Thunder5s Account Talk


imported post

I have been watching and reading posts for about a month now and would like to start tracking my moves. I was 30C 30S 30I up until Friday when I moved it all to 100G.
imported post

Welcome to the board Thunder5. For tracking purposes I'll have to start you as 100% G beginning COB today. Of course everyone's tracker will start anew next week.

Good luck,

Re: imported post

I have been watching and reading posts for about a month now and would like to start tracking my moves. I was 30C 30S 30I up until Friday when I moved it all to 100G.

Just want to know if there is a method to your madness. Very good job in avoiding the land mines for 07. :D GL with the investing.


(go steelers)
I do not have any dart throwing monkeys or a super system but I pay attention to several members that I feel have a sense for the market, I look at what reports are coming out and I try not to get too greedy. If I can make a little and miss the large drops then I am happy. Last year I tried to hit all of the ups and miss all of the drops and it didn't work out.
Well Thunder5,
Seems you have found the right grove! Best to ya!......;)