This and That

[h=1]Chris Hadley, commander Intl Space Station, doing "Space Oddity" space.[/h]
U.S. Navy training film from 1967.....

"How to Succeed with Brunettes", an "etiquette" production for Naval personnel.

How Much Do They REALLY Know?

And there are still people that think the government doesn't know about anything we do ! This plus all the other technologies they have now.
This picture was taken with a camera 70,000 x 30,000 pixels (2100 MegaPixels).

It can identify a face in a multitude.

The cameras are not sold to the public and are being installed in strategic locations. (This one is in Canada)

Place your cursor anywhere in the multitude of people and left double click a couple times.
Wait a moment and It will continue to show the people much closer, when you double left click again or click more if needed. Amazing!!

There were thousands of persons and yet one can spot and recognize any face.

Imagine what this means... both police and Army have it. Terrific technology - 2011 Stanley Cup Game 7 Canucks Fan Zone
When I first saw the picture it seemed off... then I read the top of the page:

BEFORE THE RIOT version 1 - The Vancouver Canucks Fan Zone along Georgia St. for Game 7 of the 2011 Stanley Cup Final was captured at 5:46 pm on June 15, 2011. It is made up of 216 photos (12 across by 18 down) stitched together, taken over a 15-minute span, and is not supposed to represent a single moment in time. The final hi-res file is 69,394 X 30,420 pixels or 2,110 megapixels. Special thanks to Bonita Howard and CBC Real Estate.

Too bad I can't show you some pictures I have access too ;)
There are so many good shows on! If it wasn't for my kids, I'd be a couch potato.
Breaking Bad, The Killing, Dexter,Strike Back, Longmire...,..