The five root causes of a BEAR MARKET are caged for now!

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teknobucks wrote:
yield curve is not inverted! ;)

if it was we would have a serious situation and none of the markets would show any green!

To anyone who watches this, notice that only when the 30-year went below the 5 and 10-year did we see the hugh drop that took awhile to recover from. In 1998 the short term yields went above the intermediate term yields and went still went up.

Once again, we are not inverted..........:^

Good luck,

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mlk_man wrote:
teknobucks wrote:
if it was we would have a serious situation and none of the markets would show any green!
To anyone who watches this, notice that only when the 30-year went below the 5 and 10-year did we see the hugh drop that took awhile to recover from.
Thank you both, for this information! That chart is fascinating!...moves too fast, tho
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grandma wrote: You're welcome grandma. Just trying to keep the flattening of the yield curve in perspective. We're not inverting........yet anyway. Believe me, when it happens I'll be the first one out. This doesn't mean we have dips like we have and I don't know if the market is headed up up up or down down down. If someone tells you they know for sure, I bet they aren't looking you in the eye when they say it...............:oo

All intermediate and long term moving averages are going up, but it may be time for a little pullback. OR big pullback, who knows. I'll lock in my gains today for safety sake.

Good luck,

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Inverted Yield Curve
When long-term debt instruments that have lower yields than short-term debt instruments. It is sometimes also referred to as a negative yield curve.

6 month yield is lower then the overnight rate. That is a longer term debt instrument that has a lower yield then a short term debt instrument.

Is this so hard to grasp? Longer term yield under a shorter term debt yield. 6 month is longer then overnight rate. 180 days and a time measured in hours (overnight).
