I dont even think this point is debatable.Is the military a socialistic entity?
Not necessarily. There are many people who make quite a good living off of defending capitalism--just ask Blackwater, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, and numerous other contractors. I can assure you their motivations are extremely capitalistic.Is someone who defends capitalism a socialist?
Again, not necessarily. Remember that many countries with socialist economic systems also have an 'open' market as well. (Think of China here.) Im sure there is some version of a Chinese TSP somewhere in their system.But doesn't having an active TSP account mean I'm more CAPITALISTIC?
I think you are getting hung up on the idea that we are either purely capitalist society or we are completely socialist. That model is completely wrong. In fact there have been lots of smart people that talk about how purely capitalistic societies are just as 'bad' as other theoretically pure economic systems.
(This, by the way, is another point of great discussion well beyond the scope of this message board. Ayn Rand is a good place to start exploring this topic a bit although she can be a bit---dry.)