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:^Kudos to this website. I stumbled on it to it about a week ago and find that it is marvelous. I wish I had found out about it sooner. This site is easy enough for rookies and technical enough for veterans. Thanks.
I would like to ask a question: I transferred my account from 50% G and 50% F to 50% S and 50% I. I am a long term invester with 18 years in Government...a lot more for retirement. I am inclined to go along with your advice for short term investors; however, what would your advice be for me.
:^Kudos to this website. I stumbled on it to it about a week ago and find that it is marvelous. I wish I had found out about it sooner. This site is easy enough for rookies and technical enough for veterans. Thanks.
I would like to ask a question: I transferred my account from 50% G and 50% F to 50% S and 50% I. I am a long term invester with 18 years in Government...a lot more for retirement. I am inclined to go along with your advice for short term investors; however, what would your advice be for me.