Thank You


New member
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:^Kudos to this website. I stumbled on it to it about a week ago and find that it is marvelous. I wish I had found out about it sooner. This site is easy enough for rookies and technical enough for veterans. Thanks.

I would like to ask a question: I transferred my account from 50% G and 50% F to 50% S and 50% I. I am a long term invester with 18 years in Government...a lot more for retirement. I am inclined to go along with your advice for short term investors; however, what would your advice be for me.
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Welcome! Thanks for joining us...HDM1

The long term approach ismuch easier on the stomach and hairline. I wouldn't recommend changing unless you enjoystaying on top of things and can act quickly. The short term approachcan be fun, challenging and frustrating. Whatever you decide, you have to be comfortable with what you are doing.

The market is in a very volatile sideways action period and that is why I have made so many transfers lately. I do move a lot but not normally this much. I would consider myself an intermediate term trader although lately I feel more like a day trader. What the market does determines what I do.

The site is here for people to learn. Rather than just follow my lead, most posters here seem to read all the info, discuss the situation, then do what they think is best for them.

Thanks. I hope that helped some.