System glitches


Honorary Hall of Fame Member
Glitch found 07-20-2006

RE: Miscellaneous / Bulletin Board.
Was cleaning up old post (over 30 days) I gave them a soft delete with a message of pending removal, thus restorable if given a PM.
The solt delete physically removed the post (a permanent delete).
Went back in and made a "test post" and gave it a soft delete. The soft delete didn't work, it physically removed the test post permanently.
Spaf -

Check the test posts now. I was able to view and, I think, restore them. Maybe it is a moderator permissions setting. What else were you trying to restore?

I went to world affairs and made a test thread. Gave it a soft delete and it showed up as deleted with the notice and the view, manage inserts of the soft delete. Tested, it restored.

Went back to the bulletin board, tried the same thing. It was gone! Soft delete = permanent delete

Originally there were 3 old threads on the BB that I wanted to clean out with a soft delete. Just in case someone said woops lets archive this one. Then we could restore it.

No biggie, we can fix it when you return..........STAY ON VACATION........:nuts: :D


PS: U know what this means:
1. If USS Market sails; U get mor vacations!.....:cheesy:
2. If USS Market grounds; well thats a bummer!......:(
Your right!
Some how the 3 tests showed up in New Posts. Still can't find the lost 3 in the BB that were a soft delete. Oh well!
Did the system folks give you a operators manual? Cause I got into areas that were flat spookey!
Thought U were on vacation!
Hope your better half doesn't chunk Ur laptop in the pool.
Mine has the laptop for her BERNINA. I could get seriously hurt trying to get it from her.....spending the last week in the area office.
Well, take care my friend.
PS: Tell me how well a blow drier works on a laptop?.....:D