The November 2023 results are in and here are the winning returns. What a month! 
Every once in a while, one of the TSP Funds is in the top 5 return for the month and so many people in that fund get in the top 5 that we have to go to a Tie-Breaker.
I wish I could send you all prizes, but sorry. See bottom of this post for the tie-breaker rules:
Congratulations! Great job.
Amazon Gift Card amounts are $50 for the Monthly Winner, milog !
The next group won the tie-breaker for 2nd place and will all get a $20 Amazon Gift Card:
Private Messages (PM) have been sent to the winners.
... The Amazon Gift Cards will sent electronically to your email account so please include your email address when replying.
Great job everyone!
Don't wait too long! You have 60-days to claim your prize.
To view all monthly returns, see TSP Talk AutoTracker - November or go to the tracker page TSP Talk AutoTracker
... here are the November winners...

Every once in a while, one of the TSP Funds is in the top 5 return for the month and so many people in that fund get in the top 5 that we have to go to a Tie-Breaker.
I wish I could send you all prizes, but sorry. See bottom of this post for the tie-breaker rules:
Congratulations! Great job.
Amazon Gift Card amounts are $50 for the Monthly Winner, milog !
The next group won the tie-breaker for 2nd place and will all get a $20 Amazon Gift Card:
Private Messages (PM) have been sent to the winners.
... The Amazon Gift Cards will sent electronically to your email account so please include your email address when replying.
Great job everyone!
Don't wait too long! You have 60-days to claim your prize.
To view all monthly returns, see TSP Talk AutoTracker - November or go to the tracker page TSP Talk AutoTracker
... here are the November winners...
Prizes, eligibility, and requirements:
9. You must successfully log into your AutoTracker account and / or the message board (forum) within the last 60 days, or be a premium service member, to be eligible for the monthly and annual prizes** and your account could, at the discretion of the administrator, be removed from the Autotracker.
· This free service is intended for active TSP Talk message board members. If you do not make any interfund transfers for 90 days, simply login to the AutoTracker and/or post to the message board every couple months so we know you are still participating on the board. If you fail to log into your AutoTracker account or post on the board for more than 60-days, you will not be eligible for any monthly or annual prizes** awarded.
· The top 5 are given prizes**, but we will pay up to 10 places in the event of ties. If there are still members tied after 10 places, the tie will be broken by the least number of days since your last login to the AutoTracker (or the Forum - updated 5/15/15). In the case of tie-breaker winners, the prizes can be determined by the administrator.