I've got 36 + 3 years Military this MAY as a Gov employee and I HAVE seen it all..But like you said CB..WHAT do I know?
HOPE is all we ever have..unless you have a crystal ball....Like I said, IF anyone knows better and can think of a better way than what is going to go on right now..Step forward and put up, or shut up...Past experiences do not apply today..we are working with a whole new different set of circumstances.
Like I posted in McNut's thread....None of this makes a damn bit of sense..but it's happening, contrary to the standard worn out cliche'..'SUPPLY and DEMAND'
Since "You HAVE seen it all" I'll bow to your knowledge and just speak from POV of one concerned citizen then. How would you recommend getting any idea good or bad to the responsible people that actually makes the decision? I've done the letter, email and telephone thing, the only thing that seems to have worked is that they have listened to my fellow co-workers suggestions for "shovel ready projects", that'll put folks to work ASAP, since we have projects currently under construction, but they are currently being prolonged due to fiscal constraints. It'll be interesting to see where our $4.6B will go.
And put up or shut up? No dissension allowed? How do you think our "representatives" hear our voices if were not allowed to express our displeasure at them sacrificing our childrens future for a package that you don't like or think will work or for that matter anything that Congress proposes. According to BHO, the public would be allowed to review for a week all legislation and I would say this was a pretty important one to review, so we could have given our ideas, but it was kept behind close doors and just dribs and drabs allowed out. That was one of his compaign promises and if we aren't even aware what's in the package until becomes law, why even open our mouths. But pols are liars so I never expected this promise to be kept.
So, in summary, only those that have experience in a given field are allowed to object, since they would be the only ones with the experience to offer alternative solutions. That's what what our Pols in congress are saying now, that they know better than us on how our tax dollars are to be spent, since they did read all 1000+ pages of the package. Huh, that almost sounds elitist from here.
Sorry for going on so, but put up or shut, just doesnt strike me as being very American. And nnuut is right, nothing makes any sense in the market or economy and it'll just get worse, cause the rules of the game, they are a changin.
Just speaking, from the POV of a concerned American citizen, from the heart, and based on just my principles or morals. It's all moot now, it's all over. Here's Hoping it works, we'll see how well that works out for us.