Well-known member
My first fiance was a lot like Sugar in a few aspects. She would defend her position with mighty spunk even if she was 100% wrong. I admired that spunk. One day she left the ring on the back of the toilet and I went to work on the evening shift. When I returned home all the furniture was gone - she had run off with a married doctor. That relationship lasted about four months before she was ready to move on to the next patsy. When I finally caught up to her - actually she came to me to help bury her cat DJ - for Dennis and Janice. I asked her why and she simply told me I wasn't moving fast enough economically. I was working full time and attending school full time. I was in pain for a year. She called one time wanting me to come out to Seatle - I told her to KMA. The only thing that saved me was my pride.
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