sugarandspice's Account Talk

The temptation to move in to the I today is looks pretty good.
NASDAQ just doesn't seem to want to play along over here though.
S fund not coming along for the ride either.

Not moving today. Looks suspicious. Not enough participation from all indices. Really wanted to though.
Nice dodge Sugar.
But very uncharacteristic for you. The Twinkie and Ding-Dong aisle at the market can attest to your impulsiveness. How did you manage to hold off this time?
"The natural instinct of all of us is to seek safety and shelter, unfortunately at the exact same time when we should be aggressive and risk tolerant. Those who do well in the market understand this natural human tendency and they consistently work against it when others are doing the exact opposite. The S&P 500's rebound is going to be one of the greatest roars we've seen."
" The S&P 500's rebound is going to be one of the greatest roars we've seen
And I will be there to get my share.....when it starts. It doesn't happen in a day....there's plenty of time to get in. And the reason I can do this is because I am not stuck in ONE_WAY thinking. Nor am I caught up in trying to cheerlead all the people that I have convinced of what a great time it is to "be in to win".
Maintaining a reputation and credibilty when everything is around you is working against you is making you look desperate. Just keep talking them down Birch, your followers will still be there. Your B.S. is really your greatest asset.
"The natural instinct of all of us is to seek safety and shelter, unfortunately at the exact same time when we should be aggressive and risk tolerant. Those who do well in the market understand this natural human tendency and they consistently work against it when others are doing the exact opposite. The S&P 500's rebound is going to be one of the greatest roars we've seen."

Birch, unless I missed something, you seem be embellishing your "quotes" again. Where did he say, "The S&P 500's rebound is going to be one of the greatest roars we've seen"?

Sounds like a good thing to happen, but I didn't see it the quote.
The natural instinct of all of us is to seek safety and shelter, unfortunately at the exact same time when we should be aggressive and risk tolerant. Those who do well in the market understand this natural human tendency and they consistently work against it when others are doing the exact opposite.

The key for today is to first understand what your comfort zone is and then take a step outside of it. Remember, the market doesn't reward comfort and decisions that "feel" good to make. That's the law of nature and it is true of this market like any other.
It wasn't on the page at all. Things can be taken out of context if you tack a sentence into a quote that was said elsewhere.

What evidence leads you to think I have followers? I prefer to walk point and blaze my own trail - and this strategy has worked out just fine for me. The secret is to use DCAing on a disciplined and consistent basis to redeem any unfortunate mistakes that are made in any TSP account - it has worked wonders over the years for this permabull. I prefer not to chase momentum plays but rather plan ahead and let the market come to me. Granted this is a slower way to make money but all it takes is time. Snort. Thanks for leaving the light on.

I went back and checked - but it's gone now. What else can I say?? You can call me mendacious if you like - just don't call me a bear.

What evidence leads you to think I have followers? I prefer to walk point and blaze my own trail - and this strategy has worked out just fine for me. The secret is to use DCAing on a disciplined and consistent basis to redeem any unfortunate mistakes that are made in any TSP account - it has worked wonders over the years for this permabull. I prefer not to chase momentum plays but rather plan ahead and let the market come to me. Granted this is a slower way to make money but all it takes is time. Snort. Thanks for leaving the light on.

We all know how important it is for you to have lots of views on your thread. You have mentioned it numerous times. Frankly, I don't think anyone even cares about that except you. Reference Freud for the explanation. And as far as your preference to "blaze my own trail"....That trail as been used forever and worn thin. You are not blazing anything but your cheers and re-assurances to your "flock" that this is the time to be "in to win." Your slogans are very them. Add reality to your checklist next time you "analyze." Baaaaa........Baaaaaaaa........
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When you say (we) does that mean you have a mouse in your pocket. We can go back to some old times and really spice this thread up for increased viewership. If I told you how much coin I made yesterday I'd be slightly embarrassed and presumed braggadocio so I'll remain silent because I may end up giving half of it back today. It's good for members to see that chasing momentum can result in success - good for you on your number one standing. I hope you do catch the next bull leg, but I'm sure you will follow the herd and fight it all the way - it takes courage to catch a moving train.

When you say (we) does that mean you have a mouse in your pocket. We can go back to some old times and really spice this thread up for increased viewership. If I told you how much coin I made yesterday I'd be slightly embarrassed and presumed braggadocio so I'll remain silent because I may end up giving half of it back today. It's good for members to see that chasing momentum can result in success - good for you on your number one standing. I hope you do catch the next bull leg, but I'm sure you will follow the herd and fight it all the way - it takes courage to catch a moving train.

You know exactly what we means. I guess you will say next that you need me to explain "what the definition of is, is ?" Everyone has a 1 day success story. Your thread would be more appropriate when viewership is being considered because of your need to be viewed. I guess you had to go check the standings before mouthing off about my return. You have to see the world in bull and bear vision. You have not evolved. Opportunities are the way. I'm not going to follow any herd or fight anything. I'm optimistic. So are we off to your thread? The sheep are waiting for your reply.....BaaaBaaaa.....Baaaaaaa........
Certainly, I'll leave the porch light on. Would you care for a little spectacular Gainesville green? It's so sticky and smells even better than superlative bull manure. You won't be in any shape to drive home so bring your favorite pillow.
Everyone has a 1 day success story. ...You have to see the world in bull and bear vision. You have not evolved...

It's no use arguing with a PermaBULL. They are stubborn (where do you think Bullheaded came from). It also does not take a lot of research to always believe the market will go up (no research is really necessary), just an unflagging belief that you are right (even when events prove the opposite). There is a reason we eat bulls and not bears (stand still (G & F funds) when meeting a bear and make lots of noise to scare it away (Birch and others are doing their best)). Permabulls are reluctant to stop riding that bull even when that bull is 'just resting' (he's pining).

The Bear will retreat periodically and I hope everyone jumps on for the short ride before the bull tires again and the bear shows up.

Good luck everyone. Stay nimble.
I am in no way arguing. Besides, when someone has tunnelvision there is no creativity. Living in a self-induced persona doesn't make it real. He is not blazing any trails and it's easy to walk point when you are freefalling. Gravity does all the work. Using phrases like "there is a possibilty for....." and "....for the short term" among many others gives his flock the hope they so desperately need to sit tight and gives a false sense of credibilty. Look at the reality sheep and you will see that by this "wisdom" , you have been losing all you have gained and more and with the IFT restrictions the opportunities are fewer. If you have time then take it to the bottom. You still got a few floors to go. But don't worry, Little Bo Peep will be there to greet you when you get off on the bottom floor with a white bonnet on and a big cane with and 2 big pom-poms telling you how great it was and is going to be.
It would appear that close to 85% of our board membership is already listening to your voice of scare the hell out of them. I think I may sell or liquidate my position in AGU (Agrium) to raise cash to do more buying - some of us never learn the virtues of the lily pad. May I offer a little history on AGU. My first purchase was at $13.88 and then the rest were at: $18.12, $22.65, $38.31, $42.34, $40.25 and as of today was closing at $100. I will make the sacrifice of selling because I have many other wall flowers to add to my portfolio - gotta keep the money working. Now I know this isn't TSP related but I'd be completely bored if all I had was my tugboat account to talk about - would you like to know how much that particular account has been devalued since the high points in October '07? Nah, you'd only be unappreciative of the pain level knowing how much you strive to avoid pain. That's one of the differences you and I share. I enjoy pain because I know the validity that is on the horizon. It's good to see Malyla joining in on the conversatrion - but what ever happened to Ayla. She had me on constant ignore.
It would appear that close to 85% of our board membership is already listening to your voice of scare the hell out of them. I think I may sell or liquidate my position in AGU (Agrium) to raise cash to do more buying - some of us never learn the virtues of the lily pad. May I offer a little history on AGU. My first purchase was at $13.88 and then the rest were at: $18.12, $22.65, $38.31, $42.34, $40.25 and as of today was closing at $100. I will make the sacrifice of selling because I have many other wall flowers to add to my portfolio - gotta keep the money working. Now I know this isn't TSP related but I'd be completely bored if all I had was my tugboat account to talk about - would you like to know how much that particular account has been devalued since the high points in October '07? Nah, you'd only be unappreciative of the pain level knowing how much you strive to avoid pain. That's one of the differences you and I share. I enjoy pain because I know the validity that is on the horizon. It's good to see Malyla joining in on the conversatrion - but what ever happened to Ayla. She had me on constant ignore.

Intentional inflicting of pain only validates that you are probably retarded.
Keep the pom-poms up though...the flock is bleating/bleeding.