sugarandspice's Account Talk

Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well I headed for the G fund(parking lot) because I'm scared<----(Birch reasoning)I'll wait for the drop to buy back in.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


I hope while you are in the parking lot sitting in your car, you at least changed your seat covers. That leaking problem of yours leaves a lingering acrid smell and causes watering of the eyes. If you don't switch them out at least turn them upside down so you can stain them evenly. The yellowish tinge gives it a leopard/giraffe color. Now if your other leak would be blackish spotting, maybe you could sell people on it.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I am tired of your constant inappropriate insults and badgerings. The harrassment I have endured from you really starts to wear on me. It's tiresome. It's a wonder how you can get away with this. You are truly a detriment to this site and to the world population overall. Leave me alone.
Or we will dance.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


I still got those shoes and the 2x4 that they are attached to. They belong to a guy named DMA but are available to anyone on special request. They are more humane than a locked room.
Re: sugarandspice account talk


I hope while you are in the parking lot sitting in your car, you at least changed your seat covers. That leaking problem of yours leaves a lingering acrid smell and causes watering of the eyes. If you don't switch them out at least turn them upside down so you can stain them evenly. The yellowish tinge gives it a leopard/giraffe color. Now if your other leak would be blackish spotting, maybe you could sell people on it.

Hi girls, HOW YOU DOIN'..............:D

Wait a sec......let me drink one more....I mean three.......:embarrest:
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Rent "Me, Myself and Irene" starring Jim Carey. If you'd rather save the money for an investment, let us then understand the term “Split Personality”.

Definition of Split Personality: “A relatively rare dissociative disorder in which the usual integrity of the personality breaks down and two or more independent personalities emerge”.

Explanation: There is no category or phenomenon in psychiatry called split personality. The term is commonly used in popular language to indicate a contradictory or drastically and dramatically alternating type of behavior of the"Jekyll and Hyde" type. It is often confused with the medical illness of schizophrenia because the etymology of the latter (from the Greek schizein, to split + phren, mind) suggests, misleadingly, that schizophrenia is a type of split personality. In schizophrenia, however, the splitting is within one single personality as the individual's thoughts, feelings and emotions are seriously and confusingly disconnected from each other in a chaotic and random fashion. Schizophrenic individuals, far from having split or multiple personalities, actually have a great struggle maintaining the coherence and integrity of even a single self.

Understand them now? :nuts:

I came across this thread and I'm confused. What am I missing here?
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Ok, I get it. I think.

Sugarandspice depicts the struggle within ourself regarding what to do upon reading some of the posts and the market indicators.

Do I play it safe? Do I jump in and risk a lot? Or do I distribute my money amongst all of the funds and hope and pray one or two make money?

Thanks Fivetears:D
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Ok, I get it. I think.

Sugarandspice depicts the struggle within ourself regarding what to do upon reading some of the posts and the market indicators.

Do I play it safe? Do I jump in and risk a lot? Or do I distribute my money amongst all of the funds and hope and pray one or two make money?

Thanks Fivetears:D

I think shes a little more complicated than that. I'm afraid to ask.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I prefer the shove it all in or yank it all out method of investing. :nuts:
Currently on the lilly pad with a 19.02%YTD Return; no need for greed from me. Good Luck.
Ok, I get it. I think.

Sugarandspice depicts the struggle within ourself regarding what to do upon reading some of the posts and the market indicators.

Do I play it safe? Do I jump in and risk a lot? Or do I distribute my money amongst all of the funds and hope and pray one or two make money?

Thanks Fivetears:D
Re: sugarandspice account talk

How do you know that sugarandspice is a "she"?

Because I read her whole thread. Shes a trip. I would love to meet both of them. Maybe not at the same time unless they were sedated or under the influence of some sort of calming agent. Public place of course no sharp objects please.
Re: sugarandspice account talk

I really thought you might be putting a good one over on us (still possible, I guess) but I couldn't find the cartoon I was looking for. Seems to me there used to be a cartoon called "sugar and spice" and it was about a little girl AND boy. Guess I have the wrong cartoon.

Apologies if I have offended.

(I hope my assumption that your skin is VERY thick is accurate. And spice, please don't use this opportunity to make some ugly comment about sugar's "thick" skin.)

Because that's what little girls are made of. "Sugar and spice and everything nice".......
Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well, see, here's the tip off. No self-respecting red-bl00ded American male would give himself a tag like Sugar.

I suspect S&S is aka WonderWoman.

Just a guess.

Re: sugarandspice account talk

Well, see, here's the tip off. No self-respecting red-bl00ded American male would give himself a tag like Sugar.

GeorgiaGal --
With all due respect, your comments sound to me to be a little naive considering the fact that it is not uncommon to see/read rather bazarre (or should I say non-stereotypical) activity on the web even on the most respectable of sites.

Ask Tom, I bet he has some good stories or he will have. It is the "nature of the beast" (the internet, I mean).

(Are there rules about filling up comments in someone else's account talk without their active participation in the discussion? I promise these will be my last comments on the subject.)