Sub forums

One more time I will suggest making 4 or 5 main forums and have threads fill those forums instead of having what seems like hundreds of sub forums.

I see that this site usually has at least twice as many guests as members viewing. I also see simple questions from novice investors going unanswered. The premium services and individual accounts forums have the greatest amount of traffic, which is cool. But I guess I don't understand what you mission statement or goal is. Is it to drive people to premium services? Is this site dedicated to the common good? To educate? To help the average investor?

I think you'd have a lot more traffic, a lot more interaction, and a lot more interesting debate and content if you drove people to fewer places. You don't have to delete past threads, just merge them. A premium services forum, an investors forum (this would contain the individual investor returns/progress threads), a Q&A forum, and an "other" catch all forum would allow you funnel people to the same place. More people=more eyes=more chances at premium customers=championship.

When people search "TSP forums" this site comes up, and I think you have readers out there who have questions but don't register because of the clutter. No offense but this site is a hoarder's dream, it's a bunch of junk stacked up in a room. If you streamline I will guarantee the traffic would increase and I'll bet you get more people to sign on, and actually stay. I'd contribute to any Q&A forum and love talking personal finance, but threads are a needle in a haystack now. It's like 50 dudes talking about their systems and a bunch of crap no one cares about because they can't find anything.