Stoplight's Post Retirement, Post TSP Thread

Made a move today in my "buy-and-hold" portfolio, to harvest some gains and go to cash...

Sold all my Brooks Automation, BRKS...bought it at 7.76, in 2012 ; sold today at 27.48...SWEET !!! :D

Well....almost 2 years since my last post here, in my own little world ? Yikes !!! :eek:

To make a long story short...I've managed to keep my retirement fund balance slightly ahead of my withdrawal rate, so that's a good thing !!! Now starting to think about RMD "issues"...need to educate myself on the best approach to THAT item !!!

Anyway...just curious to hear from those who use USAA as their brokerage, like I do !

Any comments on them selling out to Schwab, for our account management ? I'll be curious to see what "improvements" happen...:rolleyes: I AM taking advantage of the free trades for the next few months, although trade commissions are the least of my worries...


Geez ! Based on a PM from another Forum Member, I remembered this thread I started !

For the record, I'm working on my taxes, so I'll update my 2020 summary of my current positions and thoughts, too...FWIW !!! :D

Picked up a little AMZN today...I'm a customer, and I always wanted to own some...and I heard it was on sale !!! :smile:
So, with nothing better to do (or I don't want to do them), I updated my investment spreadsheets. Things are looking better today, than they were
looking on 21 Mar...about a 5% increase from my balance, just 3 weeks ago...but what a wild ride, and I don't think it's gonna get any easier...FWIW, I
use Quicken Deluxe 2020 to get my numbers on my IRA investments.

Right now, I have 50% in "cash", and the rest in various pots, including only 2.3% in "trading money", the stuff I have in various premium service

Just a note : To me, I count "cash" as brokerage cash, AND conservative (to me) investments. Right now, that includes FCONX, PRULX, and USGNX (all bonds). As a side note, that T. Rowe Price bond fund (PRULX) has been a star for me...Throws off a monthly dividend, too ! I bought it in 2014, so yes, I lean towards "buy and hold" on my investments, in my retirement...other than my "trading money"... other "Stars" since I bought them ?

- WM (Waste Management)
- STX (Seagate Technology)
- T (AT&T)
- GSK (Glaxo Smith Kline)

...My "Stinkers" ? Well, still holding...collecting the dividend (for now...:worried:) ; it's based on my buy-in price, while I wait for the price to come back :

- BGS (B and G Foods ; 5.2%)
- SDIV (Global X Super World Dividend ; 7.2%)
- DIV (Global X Super U.S. Dividend ; 8.0%)
- KBWD (Powershares KBW High Dividend Yield Financials ; 8.3%)

That little bit of Amazon I bought on sale the other day is doing well ! On the fence, whether to book my gains on that trade, or hold, and see what happens next !

Thanks for reading ! Best of luck to you all on YOUR investment decisions !!!

While my mixed portfolio whips around day-to-day, that Amazon I bought a month ago is making me smile !!!

OTOH, I can't discern any pattern on a day's market moves vs my account holdings...some days I think my account would do down, yet it goes up...other days, it's the opposite ! No way to do anything right now but "buy and hold" ! Sorry, Tom... :smile:

The Wife's holdings, however (pretty much high quality holdings) tend to follow the market numbers...go figure !!!

These are crazy times...

I am sorry to hear about your dog. They are truly family members and tend to take over some things no matter what you want. FWIW I cried like a baby when putting down mine a few years ago. I hope things are going well for you and all in these difficult times.
