Merrill "Edge"
So I'm thinking...due to an unexpected income of ~ $7K from some screwy life insurance ( ? ) policies the Wife bought, long before she met me,
I'm looking for a place to park some cash. My liquid "emergency funds" have grown past the point of tolerating a 0.1% APY !

Still want it liquid, though...
I'm also looking to start transitioning to a managed fund account, or at least some advice for my "buy and hold" investments. I don't see myself staying on top of each and every investment in my portfolio, although I'll still play with "mad money" with the premiums.
To date, we have our rollover TSP and 403(b) in a USAA self-directed Traditional IRA brokerage account...will keep those open....but they get pretty dismal reviews about their funds, and their investment advice !
Came across a Nerdwallet review of Merrill Edge...cheaper trade cost than USAA :
I have a dormant Bank of America account that I've kept open, even though we don't use it for anything any more, because it's our oldest bank account, dating from probably 1985 !!! ~ $4K balance...
Planning to drop the $7K in there, and then open an Edge account....pick up something that pays better than USAA or B of A's cash account interest, but I can sell quickly, if needed !!! I will keep my USAA accounts, but perhaps transfer withdrawals that I don't particularly need at this time to this....thinking RMD down the road ??? Cap gains or loss tax advantages ???
Anybody out there use "Edge" ? Opinions, either pro or con ??? Set up a CD ladder somewhere ??? I'd appreciate any and all feedback, including alternative accounts, brokers, or "plans" !!!