Remember what's really important
I'd like to tell you about my baby brother. Kent was born on my tenth birthday so I always felt a little proprietary about him, because he was my birthday present. He grew into a very special man.
The woman he married loved animals, especially horses. So he worked three jobs until he could get a house with acreage. And then he bought two horses. Their first child was allergic to cow's milk. So they bought a goat. Then they needed a pony. And his wife was given a burro. And some chickens. And as more children came along they needed more horses. And one child had a favorite story about llamas. So soon a llama joined their menagerie.
He loved to work on motors and he was really good. He started fixing school buses and soon managed the fleet of buses for their entire school district. He was also the Fire Chief for his town's volunteer fire department.
He said that he wanted his boys to have a good scouting experience and there was only one way to ensure that. So in his "spare" time, he was a scoutmaster for almost two decades.
Yesterday his good and gentle heart suddenly gave out on him. My brother Kent, dead at the age of 47.
I have a request for all of you. Please, take a moment today to remember the things that are really important. And hug the ones you love extra specially tight for me.