Squalebear's Account Talk

Why Thank You Norm ! Your The Best ! ;)

I Just Made A IFT and ran to Safety. 100% (G) Fund. I'll wait for a 3-4 day dip before I jump in. Call me chicken, but I want to hold onto some of those {buk, buk, buk, buk} Bucks.

Good Luck Everyone !
Why Thank You Norm ! Your The Best ! ;)

I Just Made A IFT and ran to Safety. 100% (G) Fund. I'll wait for a 3-4 day dip before I jump in. Call me chicken, but I want to hold onto some of those {buk, buk, buk, buk} Bucks.

Good Luck Everyone !

Master Jedi, Nice to finally see the two of us in the same Galaxy. :D I may be taking another big risk like I did in the beginning of June but the Force feels different right now. The next few trading days may see a nice rise then level off to feel out congress and the debt limit. If there is little movement the market will likely start selling off around the 18th. IF congress can get things worked out before the end of the month this will be one train you need to be on.
Master Jedi, Nice to finally see the two of us in the same Galaxy. :D I may be taking another big risk like I did in the beginning of June but the Force feels different right now. The next few trading days may see a nice rise then level off to feel out congress and the debt limit. If there is little movement the market will likely start selling off around the 18th. IF congress can get things worked out before the end of the month this will be one train you need to be on.

The 18th is a million light years away and I'm thinking this,,,,, If the market settles down and starts to lose the gains we just made, then, I'm thinking that the Congressional Decision will result in a rebound back up to current levels. Once I see that dippity do dah, I'm jumping back in to reap some short term benny's. At least, thats what the game plan is. I liked that Manufacturing gave us a surprise, however, its causing too much too soon. The (S) Fund is already +8% YTD. I think its high was around +10% or +11% YTD before the last drop. Anyway, these are some of the reasons I decided to wait for alittle dip before jumping in. You know me ! I change my mind faster the Birch can buy stocks. It'll be interesting to see if my gut pans out.
Best Of Luck My friend !
My gut says I should be in for a rebound, BUT NOT YET ! Maybe before noon, we'll see ! I'm cautious because this next move is my last for July. If we see a slight nudge upward, I think I'll wait. If we have another down day, I will be pumped to put in, but will question the move until 11:58am. Geeez, some game plan aye ! :nuts:
My gut says I should be in for a rebound, BUT NOT YET ! Maybe before noon, we'll see ! I'm cautious because this next move is my last for July. If we see a slight nudge upward, I think I'll wait. If we have another down day, I will be pumped to put in, but will question the move until 11:58am. Geeez, some game plan aye ! :nuts:

Hey, You stole my GamePlan lol.........
I think there is quite a few people who use the same game plan. :)

Then I Suspect that Misery Loves Company. I couldn't get back to the Laptop before the deadline, however, the market IS slightly up and I would have waited. ;)
With having no choice, I guess I'll ,,,,,,ummmmmmm,,,,,,wait it out (LoL) :laugh: By the way, thanks for coming to my thread :D

Hey, You stole my GamePlan lol.........
Well I didn't steal it from Birch ! :nuts: Miss ya Bunches ! :)
I left the safety of the (G)arage and went 100% (S) Fund :blink: Gosh, I can't even tell you why. Todays jump would have been nice. Rally,,,,Rally,,,,Rally ! :nuts:
Hey my brother! Glad to see you in the market...makes me feel better for not getting out.....

So all I can say is Woo Woo!

Hope the family is well (and your heart)!

Looking at the mkt's response today to Ben's utterance, it's like a sugar high, or more like horse. We need to pay attention to Lou Reed to be on the cagey or moxie side of this mkt. Is it wearing off? How soon, how long will it take, or will it stick? Looks fickle to me, and not fickle.

There is no right way for the mkt to react except the way that it does, it's our job to figure it out, or just throw darts . . .
As they say, the mkt casino. I don't really like that, but THEY are calling the shots.

But hey, it's Options Week, or Chinatown, so woo-hoo. gangway. We'll see.
Can't you smell what the bull is cookin? The sweet smell of superlative bull manure is wafting across the board today - and it's still early yet.
The Bull took a dump right on the (S) Fund today. "One Day does not a Market Make" I think Yoda said that back in the 90's. Today hurts, but I won't cry Uncle BEN just yet ! :sick:
Hey there, Mr Bear
Just stopped by to say hi
Hard to believe your Woo is two
I've got two myself, one three, one new

The creative juices just went away, likely that is better for all.:cheesy:

That is one beautiful Woo you got there. Not quite a cute as mine of course.:D

Good to hear from you.