TSP Elite
Not anytime soon because no country is willing to step forward.
Totally agree -- or the combination is one no one would expect.
For NOW - the dollar has to remain 'the base' until stability and strength.
Do not get me started on gold - there are practical uses of gold which are just being artificially inflated in price at the moment.
I wouldn't dare -- you'll find I'm pretty easy.
A basket of currencies is possible, but I've heard that one before - how do you figure out the percentages represented by what currencies and who gets in?
I'm not sure if you want me to answer this - so I hope this is okay. The Nations 'in control' will undoubtedly have the greatest influence -- and the ones in the deepest debt to them will have the least influence.
I personally believe a 'paperless' system would be the most practical and would have numerous advantages over the 'dollar' and over multiple currencies.
It's kind of amazing you're asking me this question now.(Today) Up until recently the USA was as much the Super Power because of their longstanding economic power (as Nuclear/Military Power). BUT the Percentages would have to be an accurate reflection of the Economic Conditions --- and who gets in would all the more be weighed on that. There are a number of Nations with very Solid Standings and they would have to take priority. Some currencies may simply be 'dropped' and considered worthless.
By the way, I am of the school that thinks no more QE's as they are not really effective with nearly 0 interest rates - there is a certain point where pushing the noodle just doesn't push it forward anymore.
I'm honored -- seriously because I consider you way smarter than me.
But doing nothing could also do really bad things for U.S. economic confidence, I'm not a specialist in monetary policy, and I never really "bought into" the monetary side of economic theory either.
Fortunately 'Doing Nothing' can not persist with all that is happening today. The population at large is saying no more BS -- and it's no longer a Rep or Dem thing -- it's a get in there and make things right thing.
So the poplulation at large is demanding changes -- at a time when Corporations can (and will) spend as much as they need. My guess is the population at large will win the battle - but many huge changes will have to be implemented (such as reducing the parasites to a small fraction).
The problem more than likely stems from the Government itself being far too big -- and unmanageable -- and wasting money on 'pork projects' and excessive military stuff - and the top 5% having 90% of the wealth. First we need to get the Governments trimmed down and wholly accountable to 'the people' - then improve International relationships - then work on reducing the top 5% (here I do NOT mean carelessly making all things equal - but I mean making a way those without jobs -- to earn a living and reward them for the work they do).
Thanks for visiting with me --