Show-me Account Talk

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Show Me...appreciate the longer tem outlook on 2009/2010. What a bummer. That's news that hadn't registered yet..major bummer...but there has to be a way to fix something like that? It would be better to refinance that debt than allow the entire strucure to collapse.

Then again, maybe I should just go build my cabin closer to the Canadian border and start buying gold..:nuts:

Canada's looking better and better. Lots of fresh water, oil, timber, land, etc. Not many people per acre. Bad things French and socialized health care.
Enjoy the debt crisis by being a lender. Try to make low rate loans. Lots of people on are trying to refinance and want to borrow your money at rates like 17%. Hopefully, it won't blow up in my face.

BTW, that vid was awesome.

This has been my biggest macro concern. Griffin and I discussed this at the beginning of the year before he bailed. I was arguing the timeline of ARMs would mean writedowns would continue quarter after quarter, he argued that CEOs would be fired and they would writedown everything in one or two quarters or be fired. I KNOW the FED knows that ARMs readjustments/foreclsoures will go parabolic in '09 and '10... the best way for the to fight major economic collapse for the US consumer is to strengthen the dollar and then CUT again to put a nail in the coffin. I think we'll be on hold for a while but then a big cut will come again once the dollar has rebounded into mid-late next year. If the dollar didn't put in a LOW in MARCH and stay well above that, then we all will be f*cked. Paulson & the Fed know this and the big money is suggesting that was the low. to me, that's how it seems to be playing out. If we go lower on the dollar from that March low, then I think the doom and gloom will continue.
You can bet if Obama gets elected we'll all be chipping in to help pay our neighbors mortgage as well as our own - isn't that one of the benefits of socialism. Help thy greedy neighbors.
You can bet if Obama gets elected we'll all be chipping in to help pay our neighbors mortgage as well as our own - isn't that one of the benefits of socialism. Help thy greedy neighbors.

I don't think it is going to matter a whole bunch who gets elected. The bailout is already enacted and we as taxpayers are going to be left with the bill. The bailout is not going to help the "greedy neighbors" as much as it will benefit the banks/mortgage institutions.
I don't think it is going to matter a whole bunch who gets elected. The bailout is already enacted and we as taxpayers are going to be left with the bill. The bailout is not going to help the "greedy neighbors" as much as it will benefit the banks/mortgage institutions.
I agree, this is not a proposal, it's already a done deal. McSame, Orama, whoever, aren't in office yet and therefore can't do anything about this.:sick:
You can bet if Obama gets elected we'll all be chipping in to help pay our neighbors mortgage as well as our own - isn't that one of the benefits of socialism. Help thy greedy neighbors.

Can we please have a discussion without the drive-by hit-and-run dose of politics being injected? It's really annoying and disruptive.

I'm saying it for the last time, historically the market has done better with democrats in the White House. I'm not going to argue about facts you can look up yourself and see plainly on charts.:rolleyes:

I'd rather help my struggling neighbors keep their homes than bailout greedy financials and take on their debt with taxpayer money. Why did S fund go up while C fund dropped? Financials.
Can we please have a discussion without the drive-by hit-and-run dose of politics being injected? It's really annoying and disruptive.

I'm saying it for the last time, historically the market has done better with democrats in the White House. I'm not going to argue about facts you can look up yourself and see plainly on charts.:rolleyes:

L2R is a bit touchy this morning. :D:D
Heebner & Coal

Hi anthony,

Your close but not in sync. The big demand is in the summer. Coal runs up before summer on speculation of electricity demand during the cooling season, hot weather plus air conditioning. It dips during cooling season because of speculation of less demand for the coming fall.

Just remember all of the news stories about the power grid going down because of peak demand in the summer. The trick is to board the coal train before the news is reporting about peak demand of electricity.

Interesting reading here from yesterday: Clicky. Seems Ken Heebner has been picking up coal stocks as well. Of course this is late news from Q2, but still interesting.

My wife has a lot of her Roth in Heebner's CGM Focus and I'm always interested by his maneuvers.

Yes, I'll always be a permabull. I just won't sell much stock so I can avoid the coming higher capital gains taxes and wait out the four year term. L2R you are not a moderator yet so I recognize your wantonness to avoid anything political but I reserve the right to ignore your requests. Was that courteous enough?
I have to agree with Love2Read. The political bashing is getting to be too much. Especially when it's not backed up with ANY facts...simply drive-by slander. I come to this website to learn about TSP, not sift through political trash.

Flame on.

Politics will greatly impact your investing future - meaning you may not have much of one if the wrong candidate gets elected. The Messianic is not being trashed - just the facts sir.

Politics will greatly impact your investing future - meaning you may not have much of one if the wrong candidate gets elected. The Messianic is not being trashed - just the facts sir.
Facts? Opinion does not equal fact. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt are the merchants of emptiness. Do not feed them or they will never be sated.
I agree Birch, politics does factor into the economy, as do a host of other things. With that said, I notice a serious lopsidedness to your "arguments". For you, it's Obama is bad, McCain is good. That's it. Now, if you were to make logical arguments, based upon stated facts, as to how EACH candidate will be good / bad for the economy, I'd be fine with that. It would actually SHOW how politics can affect the economy.

What you post is simple political bias put out to encourage people to see one candidate as a hero, and the other candidate as one destined to destroy our nation. Your posts are not backed up with fact, so I don't believe that it belongs on an investing forum. Rather, it belongs on a political forum.

With all this said, here's what I expect to happen. Birch, you will not be moderated and asked to tone it down, so you'll continue to do as you said: "ignore your (my) requests." That's your right. But I do ask that you tone down the political stuff a bit and stick more to "be right sit tight".

Show-me, sorry for hijacking your thread. I'm off to watch my twin 2 1/2 year olds play in the wading pool. Best of luck to all!
I agree with L2R, SilverBird and DakotaKid. I'm here to learn more about TSP and investing, not politics. As L2R said, the random off-topic mudslinging is annoying and distracting, and it doesn't contribute anything to the discussion. The comments are biased partisan personal opinions that seem intended to stir up controversy or perhaps a political argument, but the "account talk" threads don't seem to be the proper forum for that activity. I'm not trying to infringe anyone's First Amendment rights, especially someone who fought to preserve MY rights, and I thread-hop to avoid those comments, but they pop up everywhere. It's extremely frustrating to someone who wants to learn about making the most of their TSP and enjoy what otherwise seems to be a very nice MB community.

I know that political discussions will be the norm in an election year, but perhaps a Political Forum could be created on the MB for those wishing to state, discuss, and debate their political opinions - or just vent about it; and maybe MB members wishing to do so could respect other members enough to make their political comments in the forum set aside for them and not sprinkle them on the most popular threads? Just a suggestion.:D
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