Show-me Account Talk

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Small world!

Quincy is my big city I drive through every day. Report is that flood stage is set at 30' on Wednesday not counting additional rain. Quincy memorial bridge will be close tomorrow and the Bay View bridge will take two way traffic. Water is seeping under the levees right now. My oldest spent the day sandbagging in Canton. He is napping now. Good kid, got a call from a teach about how good he did. No goofing off all work.

The 1993 flood my parents planted my American flag from the first Gulf War in the levee between the two bridges. Someone stole it. I was home from Denver the week of the 4th of July, the week after the levee broke. I drive by that Ayerco twice a day.

I let ya know when I get worried. Defiantly not yet.

How long am I going to take a beating in the F fund?:laugh::nuts::D

No doubt a small world. I used to live at Lewistown, MO about 30 miles West of Quincy when I was working on flood control projects in Northeast MO. We went over to Quincy about every other week.

I hope the levees hold. It cost over 1 mil. to pump the breach hole full of sand just north of the Bay View bridge in 1993. It was an impressive "blue hole".

I bailed out of F last month at $12.21. Jumped back into I big time today. Hopefully it won't bite me to hard. F is a dead horse as long as the government keeps mentioning inflation. 10 yr yield was like 4.22% today. Should make the G penney come more often.:cheesy:
Still have some family in Quincy. I graduated from Quincy Senior High School in 1971. I had a job pumping gas in West Quincy when it was just 30 cents a gallon. Ahh, the good old days!

Good luck in the F Fund and take care now and stay dry!

Take care now and stay dry!

I rode a boat though West Quincy during the '73 flood to save a cat in a big white barn.:D
No doubt a small world. I used to live at Lewistown, MO about 30 miles West of Quincy when I was working on flood control projects in Northeast MO. We went over to Quincy about every other week.

I hope the levees hold. It cost over 1 mil. to pump the breach hole full of sand just north of the Bay View bridge in 1993. It was an impressive "blue hole".

I bailed out of F last month at $12.21. Jumped back into I big time today. Hopefully it won't bite me to hard. F is a dead horse as long as the government keeps mentioning inflation. 10 yr yield was like 4.22% today. Should make the G penney come more often.:cheesy:

My kids played ball there last week.:D

Thanx Show. :)
I rode a boat though West Quincy during the '73 flood to save a cat in a big white barn.:D
A little noticed item in Wall Street Journal, page B7, Saturday June 14 under "Legal Notices" - There is a sale in progress of CDO's and RMBS's, also known as "Collateralized Debt Obligations" and "Residential Mortgage Backed Securities." Or SIVs. :sick:
The total amount being auctioned off is a "measly" 2.3 billion dollars.
Auction schedule follows (starts today!), as well as a related "Bernake comment"...
View attachment 4082
View attachment 4083 :D :D
Both above from a link within article at, (also enlightening)
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Just got back from another ball game. Oldest cranked one out of the park!:D


Still holding SDS.

Flood update: Levees are going down like a house of card in small districts. Lost one yesterday morning (over topped), one yesterday afternoon (erroded by river) and one last night (unknown). Canton is next up, then West Quincy, and Hannibal.

West Quincy is water logged and leaking heavily and the Sny at Hannibal is a big district that blew out last time.

West Quincy is a ghost town, everything pulled out. They say they are confident it will hold. I hope so.:worried:

You might see me on the news if it does blow. I'll be the guy floating in the inner tube trying to get to work without getting any water in his mouth.:nuts: :sick:

Still holding the SDS show-me? I'll be looking to buy some on any early rally tomorrow (Wed).

I hope the levees hold this time. I have a friend in Canton that would get about 5 feet of water in his house if the levee overtops. It held up pretty well in 1993.

West Quincy was devastated in 1993. The levee failed in July and highway 24 bridge was not opened until sometime in October as I recall.:(
A repeat of that would be a whole bunch of tubing;)

Just got back from another ball game. Oldest cranked one out of the park!:D

Flood update: Levees are going down like a house of card in small districts. Lost one yesterday morning (over topped), one yesterday afternoon (erroded by river) and one last night (unknown). Canton is next up, then West Quincy, and Hannibal.

West Quincy is water logged and leaking heavily and the Sny at Hannibal is a big district that blew out last time.

West Quincy is a ghost town, everything pulled out. They say they are confident it will hold. I hope so.:worried:

You might see me on the news if it does blow. I'll be the guy floating in the inner tube trying to get to work without getting any water in his mouth.
Just got back from another ball game. Oldest cranked one out of the park!:D

Flood update: Levees are going down like a house of card in small districts. Lost one yesterday morning (over topped), one yesterday afternoon (erroded by river) and one last night (unknown). Canton is next up, then West Quincy, and Hannibal.

You might see me on the news if it does blow. I'll be the guy floating in the inner tube trying to get to work without getting any water in his mouth.


Let's hope you don't have to float at all and that you and your loved ones will be out of harm's way. Will watch out for the news though:sick: Good luck,

Quincy dropped 2 feet but will rebound to that level unless there is more breaks. News reported that the Sny almost lost it last night as did the Fabius. I could hear the stress in their voices.
Flood waters are cresting in Canton, then Quincy. Much below the original predictions. We are not out of the wood thou, we need to maintain levee integrity on the Fabius and Syn.

Trivia: Sny levee district is the largest levee district in the U.S. 125,000 - 150,000 acres of farm land and over fifty miles of levee's. If that levee goes there goes your CPI.

Made a move to the C fund Friday. STA sez the week following June triple witching Dow down 8 in a row and 15 of the last 17. Then again last week was suppose to be a historically strong week.

I will make another buy next week if the market cracks some more and sell into strength.

Trying to make a TSP and Roth strategy for the week following the 4th of July. It is a very strong week historically.

We could easily retest the lows and get a nice rally in the next few weeks. I will hold my SDS and buy C fund as we go lower, then at some point prior to the 4th sell the SDS and buy SSO. I will study this weekend to determine my stop on SDS. I want to give it some room but do not want to lose profit.

Sound like a good plan but I never stick to the plan. Good luck all and good weekend.
Flood waters are cresting in Canton, then Quincy. Much below the original predictions. We are not out of the wood thou, we need to maintain levee integrity on the Fabius and Syn.

Hope you and your family are doing good, Show-Me, I have been watching the news and have not seen you yet, so that's a good thing.:)

Made a move to the C fund Friday. STA sez the week following June triple witching Dow down 8 in a row and 15 of the last 17. Then again last week was suppose to be a historically strong week.

I will make another buy next week if the market cracks some more and sell into strength.

Trying to make a TSP and Roth strategy for the week following the 4th of July. It is a very strong week historically.

ok, here's where I have a question. When people talk about "historically" are they also taking into account what we face today: the housing situation, election year, US economy at its worst, a war that we do not know when it will end, the worst and highest deficit ever faced by the US government, and we could go on and on. So, with all these factors taken into consideration, do we still think that buying into C will be a good thing?

Sound like a good plan but I never stick to the plan. Good luck all and good weekend.

Good weekend to you too Show-Me, it rained all day in my neck of the woods today, I hope you had no problems.


Thank you all is well.

Yes and no. Historical statistics are cold hard numbers that do not care about geopolitical events. That is why some, like me, like them so much because they show how the market breaths without regard to any events. On the same note is pure chart analysis, those guys don't care what news is being release they see a trend or a pattern in the chart and go with it. Some like to think the charts predict the events, we just don't know what the "event" is until it happens.

On the other side of the coin. Historically election years are good because both parties don't want to be blamed for a bad economy. Also, "historically" the first two years of a new "party" administration following a two term President are very bad years. So, if the Democrats win in November plan on a very bad 2009 and 2010 by historical standards.

Also, wars have patterns of prosperity due to the war machine being built up and a period after the war when the economy slacks off due to lost "war" jobs and the need for the Nation to pay down the dept of war.

It is all relative if we look for it. If I was cold and unemotional I would be buying this market at every dip because history has shown that election year returns are very good.

And the disclaimer. Past performance does not guarantee future results. lol;)
Financial Fears Sweep the Globe After RBS Predicts Worldwide Stock-Market Crash

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Financial Fears Sweep the Globe After RBS Predicts Worldwide Stock-Market Crash

By William Patalon III
Executive Editor
Money Morning/The Money Map Report

As rocky as the global markets have been, the worst is yet to come, the Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC (ADR: RBS) warns.
RBS analysts have warned clients to brace for a full-blown crash in the global stock-and-bond markets over the next three months as the conflicting realities of slowing growth and rising inflation paralyze the world’s major central banks - causing “all the chickens [to] come home to roost,” Great Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reported.
The report, which first surfaced late Wednesday, raced across the Internet yesterday (Thursday), though it appears that European news organizations are giving it much wider play than their U.S. counterparts.
The predicted swoon would cause the U.S. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index - already down 15% from its trading high of 1,576.09 reached Oct. 11 - to nosedive all the way down to 1,050 by September. For the closely watched, broad-based U.S. stock index, that would represent an additional decline of 22% from yesterday’s close of 1,342.83 - and a total decline of 33% from its Oct. 11 apex.
Story continues

Thanks for showing your current positions. What is your take on PSQ to short the NASDAQ 100? :cool:


First, welcome. I would use QID because if I am going to short, why not short X2 and double the fun.

If you are a beginner go slow and use the PSQ.
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