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Bear Stearns Bailout Was `Finger in the Dike,' Historians Say

By Elliot Blair Smith
March 16 (Bloomberg) -- With Bear Stearns Cos.' temporary rescue in place, the $200 billion subprime crisis joins the history of government bailouts to preserve jobs, homes and savings when economic disaster looms.
Ever since Treasury Secretary William Gibbs McAdoo shut the New York Stock Exchange for four months in 1914, to prevent foreign investors from cashing out and throwing the U.S. into financial chaos at the outset of World War I, American policy makers routinely have suspended their support for free markets when confronted by economic peril.
``I think the systemic risks dominate right now, which means you've got to put your finger in the dike,'' says William Silber, a finance professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. He is the author of ``When Washington Shut Down Wall Street: The Great Financial Crisis of 1914 and the Origins of America's Monetary Supremacy'' (Princeton University Press, 232 pages, $27.95).
Bailouts can buy time while policy makers try to defuse panic. Last week, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York provided financial support for Bear Stearns, the fifth-largest U.S. securities firm. It faced eroding investor confidence in the fallout from losses related to securities based on mortgages to the least creditworthy borrowers.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the Fed said they would back New York-based Bear Stearns with emergency funding for an initial period of up to 28 days in the largest U.S. bailout of a securities firm. The deal is part of an agreement that enables the investment bank to borrow from the New York Fed's discount window while all three seek permanent financing or alternatives.
Panic of 1907
Bear Stearns Bailout Was `Finger in the Dike,' Historians Say

Guess this guy was spot on!

Now, if BSC share price goes from $30 to $2 a share. What will that do to the financials and the broader markets tomorrow? Look at the Asian markets, then the EZ, and the futures for a clue.

Glad to be CASH!
BSC lied to everyone on national TV. They were sinking fast and lied about at least twice. The SEC even came out earlier last week to reinforce BSC claim that they were OK. Bunch of liars.

(my comments copied for 350z account talk)

CNBC is make a good point now about how do you believe Lehman and the other about their liquidity. First time they made sense.

Make no mistake this was a bailout of all primary lenders. One point I heard was Mutual Fund lend money overnight to investment banks like BSC. If BSC went BK the ripple effect would be huge. The margin calls to make up the lost capital would be huge. Global house of cards.

One more thing, the Fed could give less than a rats ass about inflation right now. We are in panic mode to save the banks. This is going to make it take longer to recover and the banks will not jump into lending with both feet. IMO, this will be a very prolonged recovery.

I'm on the fence about the jump into equities this morning. From a chart view 1200 is on the horizon and with the volatility we could rally the end of the day and sell off tomorrow when the Fed announces its statement.

I guess what I'm saying is it is easier to make money going short than long in this market.

Wait for a pump monkey relief rally, buy into it and sit back and wait for the inevitable sell off.
I freak'n cuz my Scottrade site is a nogo. I'm guessing volume is way up and they are getting whacked hard with volume. I am on hold to ST now and going to pitch a huge bitch. I don't need to get in cuz I am cash and I am waiting for funds to settle, but I am for the first time very disappointed with them.
Still nogo from ST. Called the help desk and they did maint. over the weekend. I'm screwed and going to work early.

Good luck!
(my comments copied for 350z account talk)

I guess what I'm saying is it is easier to make money going short than long in this market.



My Scottrade account is up and running and I'm trading. It sucks you couldn't trade today!

This was a great time to make money off the panic my friend. If you would have bought the gap down in UYG and sold right now Time 10.10.29 ET.

You would have made 8.3% in 40 minutes.

10.12.31 9.2% gain

How it closes is another story, but this is only a trade and not an investment. I should also add I have shares of UYG I bought Friday that are in the red, but the market is coming back and I will sell some of them soon. What a come back.... PPT or someone is buying this PIG!!!!

I need to sell some here.

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OK, GS and LEH report in the morning before the open. PPI reports before the open too.

Now what happens when the share holders vote down the buy out?
I feel pretty comfortable sitting in cash and I do not plan to trade tomorrow. We have absolutely no idea what Dr. Strangemath and the PPT have in store for us. So why waste a trade.

I would feel more comfortable waiting for a small rally and going SDS again.

How about that LEH? I bet those guys are rubbing their asses tonight. LOL
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