Show-me Account Talk

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The terrorist are already and have been planning since 9/11 I estimate 50,000 or greater because they will not get serious about border control. They are just waiting on the word. Then they will strike us and stun America well I say America what I mean is they will stun the Democrats (Socialist) and the Liberals (Communist). The real Americans have enough sense to know that it will happen. The others just want to bellyache about those people and their rights. Look out when the word is given America is in for a blood bath.

I'm not sure that's the case, unless McCain wins. The terrorists and supporting governments have all voiced support for obama, so that doesn't make since, unless something really machiavellian is planned, where Marshall law and some sort of suspension of the Constitution. :confused: Gun prices have gone up 10% in 2months time though and when asked the gun owner just smiled. Or maybe Powell was just having a senior moment. :laugh:

The terrorist are already and have been planning since 9/11 I estimate 50,000 or greater because they will not get serious about border control. They are just waiting on the word. Then they will strike us and stun America well I say America what I mean is they will stun the Democrats (Socialist) and the Liberals (Communist). The real Americans have enough sense to know that it will happen. The others just want to bellyache about those people and their rights. Look out when the word is given America is in for a blood bath.

I'm not sure that's the case, unless McCain wins. The terrorists and supporting governments have all voiced support for obama, so that doesn't make since, unless something really machiavellian is planned, where Marshall law and some sort of suspension of the Constitution. :confused: Gun prices have gone up 10% in 2months time though and when asked the gun owner just smiled. Or maybe Powell was just having a senior moment. :laugh:


Who needs terrorists when you Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke?:laugh:
Then they will strike us and stun America well I say America what I mean is they will stun the Democrats (Socialist) and the Liberals (Communist). The real Americans have enough sense to know that it will happen. The others just want to bellyache about those people and their rights. Look out when the word is given America is in for a blood bath.

God I love this sort of thinking, it clarifies everything for me. So my uncle (who was a Republican) who died on the frozen fields of Belgium in 1945 was a real American, right? And my other uncle (a Democrat), who somehow lived through the Bantaan Death March in 1942 and was imprisoned by the Japanese starting at Camp O'Donnell and ending up in Korea wasn't a real American?

Good to know. Clearly anyone who doesn't think the way you do isn't a real American. Maybe if my uncle Sparky was still alive we could ship him to an interment or re-education camp.
God I love this sort of thinking, it clarifies everything for me. So my uncle (who was a Republican) who died on the frozen fields of Belgium in 1945 was a real American, right? And my other uncle (a Democrat), who somehow lived through the Bantaan Death March in 1942 and was imprisoned by the Japanese starting at Camp O'Donnell and ending up in Korea wasn't a real American?

Good to know. Clearly anyone who doesn't think the way you do isn't a real American. Maybe if my uncle Sparky was still alive we could ship him to an interment or re-education camp.

Values and the parties we so much different back then, that it's like comparing apples to oranges, thats also like comparing athletes from different era's.

Speaking of the Bataan Death March, My great uncle survived that also and spent the entire war in Japan along with his brother as POW's, of course they thought the other was dead and another great uncle was a Fighter squadron commander on the Canal flying the lightening. The Great uncle that survived the death march is still alive and doing just fine. Lives with his wife of, geez, probably almost 70 years and still drives himself everywhere he goes. Those depresion ere folks were hard as nails.

Values and the parties we so much different back then, that it's like comparing apples to oranges, thats also like comparing athletes from different era's.

Speaking of the Bataan Death March, My great uncle survived that also and spent the entire war in Japan along with his brother as POW's, of course they thought the other was dead and another great uncle was a Fighter squadron commander on the Canal flying the lightening. The Great uncle that survived the death march is still alive and doing just fine. Lives with his wife of, geez, probably almost 70 years and still drives himself everywhere he goes. Those depresion ere folks were hard as nails.

Man, I can't imagine what those folks went through. Between the march, the camps and, if they were shipped off, the death ships. No wonder my uncle never talked about it. I tried to get him to tell me some of this stuff right after his wife died, but he said he wouldn't go there. Can't blame him. BTW, have you read the book 'Ghost Soldiers' Hampton Sides? A great story on the liberation of Camp Cabanatuan by the US Rangers. A movie was made a few years ago about the raid as well, I haven't seen it.

My uncle died 6 years ago, a proud democrat - a head as hard as rocks and just about as movable. This faux American would still be voting democrat I'm sure, he was no McCain fan as I know he voted against him when he lived in Arizona.
Actually, according a report yesterday was an Al-Qaeda affilite would rather have McCain as President. Haven't seen any reports that any other affiliate or Al-Qaeda's official channels have stated a preference. I'd be more afraid with McCain in charge, because he's changed his tune on too many issues since I voted for him in 2000, and changes his accusations weekly. The attempts to make Sarah Palin his heir apparent doesn't warm my heart either - smacks of a monarchy.

As for January 20, it IS a special date, it's Inauguration day. There won't be a honeymoon this time, whoever's sworn in, and it would be a strategic day for the economy to do a major rollover, or the terrorists to do something overseas or domestically to get attention. And in a way, Obama would be their worst nightmare, a black man as the next Western Elitist Crusader just doesn't work! They may think they can't allow it to happen cause it doesn't fit their textbooks.

The Democrats getting together on a plot, hahahaha. Too many constituencies running in different directions. How can I tell? Random statements by certain ones trying to get attention are NOT generating support from others in the Party, there is no united front, you grant their leaders far more power than they have. It's herding cats, and these cats are tired of being told to vote a certain way or be accused of being un-American, and many won't be fooled again by proclamations, even by their leadership.

Beware those who say their way is the way of the Gods, and that loyalty will send you to Heaven. They are the ones on the other side of the Death march. My grandfather was forced into retirement from a high position in Nomura Securities because he thought the Japanese Government had lost its mind. But he was lucky enough to have the connections to survive thumbing his nose. My father left Japan in disgust after the war - but he had learned English. The past has lessons from both sides.
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Man, I can't imagine what those folks went through. Between the march, the camps and, if they were shipped off, the death ships. No wonder my uncle never talked about it. I tried to get him to tell me some of this stuff right after his wife died, but he said he wouldn't go there. Can't blame him. BTW, have you read the book 'Ghost Soldiers' Hampton Sides? A great story on the liberation of Camp Cabanatuan by the US Rangers. A movie was made a few years ago about the raid as well, I haven't seen it.

My uncle died 6 years ago, a proud democrat - a head as hard as rocks and just about as movable. This faux American would still be voting democrat I'm sure, he was no McCain fan as I know he voted against him when he lived in Arizona.

I haven't read the book, but I have seen the movie and it was enjoyable, because the good guys won. How historically authentic it was, I wouldn't know. My great Uncle agreed to talk to me about his experiences, for a HS research paper, only if I researched all I could and then he would only answer questions that had substance to them. He wouldn't tell me the story, but more like filled in between the lines about what I found out through my research. It wasn't pleaseant and the history books cover it pretty well. He always has that 1000 yard stare and I never knew why until I was in HS.

IHe always has that 1000 yard stare and I never knew why until I was in HS.

My father-in-law was part of a small group sent behind enemy lines prior to the Ardennes Offensive ("Battle of the Bulge"). My mom-in-law tried to get him to talk to us about it once in his later years because she said it was a part of our family history. He refused, with a mutter of, "Damned politics!" When she tried to bring it up from then on, he'd silence her with a look. After he passed, she told us once that he told her only that it was long, and that what happened wasn't glorious it was grizzly, and that it wouldn't have been as bad if people had listened and prepared.

"History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme." - Samuel Clemens

God I love this sort of thinking, it clarifies everything for me. So my uncle (who was a Republican) who died on the frozen fields of Belgium in 1945 was a real American, right? And my other uncle (a Democrat), who somehow lived through the Bataan Death March in 1942 and was imprisoned by the Japanese starting at Camp O'Donnell and ending up in Korea wasn't a real American?

Good to know. Clearly anyone who doesn't think the way you do isn't a real American. Maybe if my uncle Sparky was still alive we could ship him to an interment or re-education camp.

Yes he was a real American, but democrats have strayed and there agenda has become Socialist they need the people to need government. And Liberals are what they are enlightened to every cause that is destroying this country. I stand by my statement Democrats are Socialist and Liberals are Communist. Start with our children subvert their minds, take god out of everything. Pervert their ways men with men and women with women. Then we can slowly begin to take over the proud country called America. It's all there in their ideology and now it has come to America just the way they wrote it back in the sixties of course I'm paraphrasing it. I like what Al Capone said "More can be done with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone." The re-education camps want be needed when those terrorist are given the word they will kill all middle easterner who are in America and anyone associated with Christianity. As well as anyone who doesn't follow Muhammed. We don't have anything to fear though.:)
Yes he was a real American, but democrats have strayed and there agenda has become Socialist they need the people to need government. And Liberals are what they are enlightened to every cause that is destroying this country. I stand by my statement Democrats are Socialist and Liberals are Communist. Start with our children subvert their minds, take god out of everything. Pervert their ways men with men and women with women. Then we can slowly begin to take over the proud country called America. It's all there in their ideology and now it has come to America just the way they wrote it back in the sixties of course I'm paraphrasing it. I like what Al Capone said "More can be done with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone." The re-education camps want be needed when those terrorist are given the word they will kill all middle easterner who are in America and anyone associated with Christianity. As well as anyone who doesn't follow Muhammed. We don't have anything to fear though.:)

Please, please tell me that was satire.... :worried:

Please, please tell me that was satire.... :worried:

Sorry Lady, these are the times we live in. No room for divergent views, just them vs. us.

This kinda of plays into what I'm thinking is happening to the elections. My belief is that there is a certain % of folks who are extreme far-right or far-left, nothing will change their vote, regardless of the qualifications of the candidates. Then there are the folks who lean more left or right, they aren't so rigid and may change their vote depending on the candidates and/or issues. Of course you got people in the middle who may vote back and forth or don't vote at all.

Anyhow my theory is the people of the far side of things (and I got family on both sides) are set - could that be 70% of the vote? If that is the case, then 30% aren't so rigid, but they do lean one way or another. What I see in my experience is that some of these people who lean more to the right and abandoning the Republican ticket this time around. With people I know it is because of one of 3 things: the war (though that has died down some), the economy or, in the case of my elderly mother, she's sick of the far right telling her who is a real American and who is not. She's had plenty of family blood spilled on battlefields to be characterized as being a real American or not.
DCA is the answer. October is a rocky month and November is the #1 performing month for the S&P and #3 for DOW since 1950. Best six months strategy starts in November. Election November #1 for S&P and DOW.

First two years of a President tend to be bottoming years. It is worse when a Democrat wins. Last 8 Repub wins averaged 3% on S&P, last 7 Dem wins averaged 0.4%.
Two election year Novembers that the S&P did not finish in the positive was when Truman defeated Dewey and the "hanging chad" year.

Buy is the name of the game and buy with DCA from payroll contributions. The more you buy while the market is down the better your per share price becomes.

The sucked me in with the "BAIL OUT BILL" and we see how it is working out.

Prices will get cheaper and major support is at the 2002 lows of 740's on the S&P. We are going there IMO and it will be a good buying op. My transfer to the C fund was at 1236 and the Friday we were suppose to have a bail out bill. It did not happen until the following Friday the the market sold off and never stopped.

We are in a bad place in our history. We have limited choices for President. Neither have the will or the capability to make tough needed choices. No matter who wins it will be a chaotic first two years and they most likely will be a one term President.

We have activist groups recruiting first time voters because these voters are to lazy to do it for themselves. They don't know the people they are voting for or the issues. Promises have been made and will not be kept. It they are you will ruin the Country. David Walker former GAO head made the argument very clear before the financial implosion, we don't have the money to pay for the entitlement programs in place and it will ruin the Country.

Fast forward, to now and we have a global credit crisis where one country nationalized its banking system and is in dept 12 time its GDP. Another nationalized it private pension system to avoid defaulting of its bond again. Another with the A-bomb begging for cash from the IMF. Oil producing countries loosing half of the value of a barrel, money they counted on to pay for massive construction projects. Have we forgot Mexico is declining in production? China is struggling and is subsidizing factories to keep their goods prices lower.

We subsidize, bail out, give entitlement and have a tax code that is not fair or simple. That is why the lawyers and accounts love it and their salaries and embedded in everything you buy.

Dems fought to give loans to people who did not deserve them. When Govt gets involved with free market capitalism this is what we get. We never learn form our past. Repub are no angels big tax codes and subsidies to help their boyz.

You have been told to hold the course by TSP and the FRTIB and that your funds are protected by law. New laws can be written in a matter of days at the stroke of a pen to change the entire landscape and you think they can not nationalize the retirement system, banking system, or anything else they want to. Ask the financial sector and the tax payer about the $700 billion and the take over of AIG, FNM, FRE, the sale of BSC, WM against their will or the collapse of LEH. Your govt did all those. Your govt force money on bank that did not want it for "senior prefered shares".

So do you think your money is safe now?:(

We are in dark times and many don't see it coming. Fire sale ahead!

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Wow! I think you need to pour yourself a double; then pour one for me. I'm old enough now to have learned that whoever gains the reins in the White House, life will go on. Am I scared, not really, life is too short to worry about material things, love and family will help us persevere.
That being said, the FTRIB telling us to stay the course does in fact scare the he!! out of me, it may be time to head to the bunker! GL :worried:
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