Short term disability insurance. Any discounts for feds?


New member
Hello all. I was wondering if any of you have any experience with short term disability insurance? Last year was a pretty bad year for me medically and I depleted much of my SL. I'm in the process of buying a home and today I was thinking what would I do if I got real sick or in a bad car crash and had to be out of work for months. I'd probably go bankrupt and that is why I'm thinking about getting the insurance but I don't know the first thing about it. I was wondering if some of you might know a thing or two about it and good companies to get quotes from and bad ones to stay away from. Thanks
Back in the day when I was working, in good health, and had responsibilities :), I aggressively pursued a diability policy from private insurers. All declined to sell me a standard disability policy because the federal employee disability is reasonably generous. Suggest you check its terms for amounts, minimums and by service time, and for short term disability. I wound up finding an insurer who would sell me a policy that provided a specified supplemental cash payment for a specified number of years in the event of short term or long term disability. I reasoned that it would provide me a transition period from full pay to the federal employee disability benefit, if I needed it. Its cost was reduced by the delay of its start by expending sick leave.
I could not find any company willing to sell disability insurance to a federal employee. If you find one, let us know.

Good luck.
I've heard good things about AFLAC, but have not yet done business with them. Might want to give them a call.