Here is my thought process. Yesterday was a down day. Today is looking like another 1% down. If Monday is 1% down again, that should put us right at the 2034 pivot. Now, how long will it stay there before it bumps back up.
I could IFT out today and it drops another 1% on Monday then by the end of the week start to climb again. OR it could just stay down there. I just don't want to ride it down another 1%. Bailing today will be a loss of about 2%. Hanging on will be a loss of about 3% to heavy resistance. Then where or how long before a bump back up.
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I could IFT out today and it drops another 1% on Monday then by the end of the week start to climb again. OR it could just stay down there. I just don't want to ride it down another 1%. Bailing today will be a loss of about 2%. Hanging on will be a loss of about 3% to heavy resistance. Then where or how long before a bump back up.
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