sgtbriangreen's account talk

Here is my thought process. Yesterday was a down day. Today is looking like another 1% down. If Monday is 1% down again, that should put us right at the 2034 pivot. Now, how long will it stay there before it bumps back up.

I could IFT out today and it drops another 1% on Monday then by the end of the week start to climb again. OR it could just stay down there. I just don't want to ride it down another 1%. Bailing today will be a loss of about 2%. Hanging on will be a loss of about 3% to heavy resistance. Then where or how long before a bump back up.

Smarter people agree or disagree?
Thinking on bailing from the F fund today. Don't think the charts look good enough to go C or S with the up and down action of the last week. Thinking on just jumping 100%G until next week then getting back in.
I went 100%G today. Last move was 7JUL to 40G 30S 30C. I think we may drop a couple days leading up to the fed meeting on Friday. From that I think it will either pop or drop. I have 1 IFT left to jump back in. This was just a safety move.
Are we still looking at a possible 2150 pivot to fuel the next leg back up? If so, were not far from it. As of right now, were down 17 points from the intraday high on Monday. That much more will put us at 2150.
The market this week is making me think about 3-5 second buddy rushes. Im up, they see me, Im down. Im up, they see me, Im down......
Decided to put some on the table. 25%C, 25%S. Hopefully the FED will let me make some $$. The leaders on the AT are all in, why shouldn't I try to get some of the pie too.
The F fund didn't work out like I thought it would. IFT COB today 25%C, 25%S, 50%G. I think we will have some sideways action until the Santa Rally, then I will throw the other 50% in. At least I have my 2 IFTs for December to bail early if I need to then get back in for the EOY rally.