S Fund

Dow Jones Wilshire 4500 Completion Index. (INDEX)


Change:+0.36 +0.06%

11:03am CST 01/29/2008
Until very recently, I could use the market symbol DWCPF in the YAHOO website as a good proxy to track the movement of our S-Fund. However, the last entry that I see recorded is dated January 24. Does anyone know if YAHOO has changed the symbol and what is the current symbol? Thanks in advance.
Until very recently, I could use the market symbol DWCPF in the YAHOO website as a good proxy to track the movement of our S-Fund. However, the last entry that I see recorded is dated January 24. Does anyone know if YAHOO has changed the symbol and what is the current symbol? Thanks in advance.

I've been having the same problem.

In addition to stockcharts, here's another:


Can't have too many!

God Bless:)
Forgive my novice ignorance nnuut. I noticed this second site refers to the quotes as being . Could you or somebody else educate me please? I have no idea what that means.

[SIZE=-1]Float-Adjusted Index
An index which weights the component securities by the relative capitalization of only those shares that are available to the public for trading, rather than the total shares outstanding. See alsoFloat(3).
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]© Copyright 1996, 1999 Gary L.Gastineau. First Edition.
© 1992 Swiss Bank Corporation.
7. What is a free-float adjusted index?
Free-float adjustments are applied to an index constituent's total shares outstanding to determine its index weight. Adjustments are made to excluded those shares held by controlling group such as government holdings, foreign ownership limits, cross holdings and family holdings. The resulting shares outstanding after free-float is applied represents the true number of shares available for institutional and retail investors in the marketplace. http://www.ishares.com.hk/faq_msci.html#7

Gives you a better Idea of the true status of an index fund, some folks like the float adjusted numbers some don't, There isn't that much difference in the case of the "S".
How can the Russell 2000 be down by .5% yet the S fund is up by 5 points?
What is it that I don't understand here?
How can the Russell 2000 be down by .5% yet the S fund is up by 5 points?
What is it that I don't understand here?

the symbol for S is $DWCPF, wilshire 4500, 4500 stocks out of the wilshire 5000, the 500 difference corrolates directly to the S&P 500. I didn't see the S fund/wilshire 4500 up at all today.
I'm looking at the chart down below, I now notice it says "1 Feb" (?)
Is there a problem there?
Thanks for your info. (Nite shift worker here, very cofused during DAY LITE!!!!)(LOL)
Thanks for the link! I bookmarked it and will explore later.
I'm a nite shift worker just not a nite shift person!
"Mankind was not meant to be nocturnal !!!
And those that i have found that enjoy nite shift------welllll, there a bit strange!!!!
Chart wierdness below, S fund is NOT VXF (Vanguard Extended Market Vipers). Not aware if it's even a close substitute