Rube's Account Talk

The markets sure have come a long way since the March '09 low. Including my meager contributions, I have more than doubled my TSP balance + 10%. Now, if we could get the Govmnt to shut down the printing presses....
You will find that this is going to be an exceptional bull market lasting several if not many years - stay with the program and enjoy the appreciation.
I accidentally fell into a panic mode and bailed to the G Fund this morning. I was unable to get that change info to the Tracker in time, but I'm going there now anyway. I'm already missing my stickypants.
I thought news of international events would damage these markets a lot more than they have, so I'm moving back into stock funds COB today.
30 C
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40 I
I wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on your positive investment outlook. Staying with risk will reward you better than anything else over the next 20 years. You got the right attitude.
Thanks BT.
I talk TSP and post TSP related info on the bulletin board at work, but most folks ignore it. A few do not even contribute to get the free matching. Unbelievable!

i moved out for the same reasons, and i'm still out(bak bak bak)! i want 2 move back in, but i'm skerd! how did you decide? or are you considering going long anyway so it would not matter as much? just tryn to get info.

Thinking I might celebrate a bit tonight, I went to the freezer and pulled out a Frenched rack of Lamb code dated in May 0f 2010 @ $14.99 Lb.

Current price for that rack of lamb from the same vendor is $19.99!

Now that is inflation:blink:

30 C
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40 I
Checked my site this morning and I was down $250 so far in this second quarter of 2011, all from S Fund losses. Today's action should take care of that.

My 2008 losses were substantial, but 2009 wiped that out to the plus side, 2010 was also very good.

I remain bullish

Navigating this site since the recent change has been challanging for me. However, I remain unchanged in my opinion that I should view my investment window 20 years out and subsequently remain invested in equities, despite the fact that I am in my early 60's and aspire to continue working at PO at least 5 more years.
It's been a long time since I posted anything on here. I have made an IFT and allocation change request today effective COB Monday.

Looking back through my old posts, I see that my TSP balance crossed into 6 figures in the fall of 2009. Yesterdays action puts me past a new mile marker of double that.:)

Several pairs of Mallards nesting near the pond
Re: Milemarkers

OOPS! Maybe a moderator could re-title this and move it to Rube's account thread for me. Please
I have to put together a short, simple, concise, mini article for my Vermont Rural Letter Carriers quarterly magazine about the TSP and am looking for some help here in this forum. I'm thinking: THE POWER OF COMPOUNDING as a title and as a conclusion sentence; If you did nothing, and just relied on the 1% that USPS deposits for you, you would have X amount of dollars at the end of 20 years. The meat of the article would be; keeping all the possible variables constant, if you look at your 5% TSP contribution vs a 10% contribution, at 5,10,and 20 yr. intervals. Using an avg. annual gross wage of $45K and growth at 5% as constants and disregard inflation. I'm looking for a numbers cruncher person to help me fill in the blanks here or someone to steer me to a similar article i can take some numbers from.


made this move from 20% everything when S&P passed over 1636 and had a Hindenburg Omen alert quite awhile back