Rube's Account Talk

Newbie jumpin' in here for the first time. I've been actively watching for quite awhile and learned a lot since. Was a B&H for years, 20% across the boards and rode the thing almost to the bottom that way. Then, I figured that because the gov't was printing $ like crazy and stopped reporting that data, and share prices were very low, I should move the T-Bills and Bonds into stocks. Luckily for me, I made the IFT a couple weeks before the turn around. So I'm holding 25C, 25S, 50I and approximately have recovered my losses and my # of shares in those funds are way up. I'm very excited now to see that I can influence this bundle of cash somewhat just by paying attention daily, considering my world view, and ignoring mainstream media. I find it remarkable that I am the only person of roughly 30 in my immediate workplace that is interested in closely managing their 401K.
Thanks for the welcome folks. I've been postal for 20 years, but the first 9 were part time, thus TSP and pension ineligible then. I just turned 60 , can still put my own socks on, and am feeling pretty frisky. A nasty divorce forced me to take the one time early withdrawal and then a loan in the early 2000's. Started rebuilding my TSP in 05 and was just shy of 6 figures when the big slide started. B&H'n almost to the bottom with 20% across the boards. I thought that maybe with some TSP Talk info, I might do a little better.

Those charts, graphs, etc. are way over my exponential mental average, but I have a general sense that there is tons of dough out there waiting for investment opportunities once the gov decides to live within it's means and stops paying folks to rest on the sofa. (Like that's gonna happen!)

Crossed into 6 figures with TSP this fall and literally have ducks on the pond in my Vermont home back yard. 2 of my 4 adult children live at home with me and are good company. Tough times for the young'ns.

I'm a car nut. If you are a car nut too, look for me on

Crossed into 6 figures with TSP this fall and literally have ducks on the pond in my Vermont home back yard. 2 of my 4 adult children live at home with me and are good company. Tough times for the young'ns.

I'm a car nut. If you are a car nut too, look for me on


RuB 2s Da :toung:

Wow you sound like a 'perfect fit' for this crowd :)

Heading home but noticed a 'new addition' and a great one at that.

WELCOME !!!!!!

Crossed into 6 figures with TSP this fall


This was one of the 'random' thoughts I had last night.

6 figures (for many of us) is always the Starting Point -- the initial Target we seek to obtain.

Rube, the Markets may not do a whole lot over the next 6 months or even the next year...

Once 6 figures is achieved you can 'double' that amount in a far FASTER TIME.

The more you have ... the more you make!!

Good Job - you're at the Starting Point :)
I concur. It felt like a huge mile-marker for me.

On the official site wherein I can inquire into amount available and rate for a TSP Loan (won't do that again!), they allow me 37.5K.. What does that imply about my contributions vs earnings?
I concur. It felt like a huge mile-marker for me.

On the official site wherein I can inquire into amount available and rate for a TSP Loan (won't do that again!), they allow me 37.5K.. What does that imply about my contributions vs earnings?

Hmmm not sure what you're asking ???

Just finished at least 10 required annual courses and my brain's a little frazzeled..:nuts:


Birchtree, Coolhand, Frixxxx, Uptrend, 12%, Silverbird, me and a few others have teamed together to offer LOANS at 1% interest and we Loan up to $80,000 for Current Federal Employees and $50,000 for Retired ones.

BUT - the Bottomline - is you never want to touch your TSP except to make contributions ~~ until you retire and are only using it for what it was intended. (Retirement)

Like I said --- I'm probably too frazzeled to get the message right but it appears --- You've learned your lesson and will Never get a loan through them again.

In which case this Post will self destruct in 30 seconds.
Hmmm not sure what you're askiing?

What I'm asking is this: Bearing in mind that I had already taken the one time only early withdrawal and a personal loan which I'm still paying down so my ex's attorney can send his kids to Europe for the summer, the max amount the TSP shows it would lend me is a mere 37% of my total balance. So then, does this imply that the other 63% is all matching contributions and earnings from matching contributions?
I think you've got it right.

I did the same thing, for different purposes and with a much smaller balance, but the result was the same.

After payoff, the percentage available for tsp loan, which i take to mean my money and potential gains, is now much lower than it was compared to the amount not available to borrow, ie. the free money with compounding.

The more you borrow and the longer it is out the worse you do. Still beats borrowing from a loan shark, at least you get to retain your present dignity while financing your emergency, but at great cost to future security.

Best bet is to maintain a position where there is no need to borrow at all, for anything. I'm still working on that one.

Good luck with your investing, welcome to the MB.