Just Another Day...
I'd be fib'n if I said the .24 per share drop in (S) yesterday didn't bother me.
It did. But I am a rather optimistic (too optimistic at times) person and still hoping for a tech turn-around.
Do you know those feelings you get when you make a move... sometimes you're not
as confident but you place your order anyways. Maybe your indicators are giving you a green light, but there is some reservation in your "gut". At other times you are sure you are on the money b/c either you've done your homework or your gut tells you so. Then again, sometimes your indicators are flashing red, but your gut is saying, "go for it". This is more cockyness than confidence, though.
When I made my move for Friday (effective 100S for Monday) I was confident or "cocky" of being "speculative". For those of you who don't know what that means, this is from investorwords.com:
Taking large risks, especially with respect to trying to predict the future; gambling, in the hopes of making quick, large gains.
Although I made $$$ on Monday, my intention was not to speculate for Monday only, but for the entire week unless something more attractive came along. I was also banking on the fact that there would not be as many economic reports possibly having a negative impact. I'd still like to know what fueled the sell-off in techs yesterday. Fear??? Panic??? Was is b/c folks thought Cisco would come in short today, when in fact they beat expectations??? Whatever it was, it looks like it is trying to recover
I told MLK_Man we shouldn't question our moves, but learn from them.
So, what have I learned?
I'm learning that I am becoming more and more patient when a loss hits me. Before my emotions would have taken over and I would have ran for (G)... which BTW is not always a bad thing. Also, perhaps I would have been "cowering" in (G), afraid to make
any type of move... which CAN be a bad thing b/c that's generally when the market takes off without you. You are then forced to wait until it comes back down.
I'm learning patience and keeping my emotions at bey. That can be rather difficult.
As mentioned earlier, I will only lose $$$ (in the short term) if I pull out and hide in (G). As long as my shares are intact, I stand a very good chance of gaining back my losses.
BUT at what expense???
If anything, it's at the expense of further shares if you don't pull out and the market begins to tank on top of you. If you in fact pull out, and the market continues to drop, you can simply buy back in at cheaper prices, thus gaining more shares. But we can't tell the future, can we?
BUT, the opposite can happen too. There can be a sell-off (as there was yesterday in techs), then "fear" drives you to the sidelines. Before you know it, there is a turn-around which would lead you into buying at higher prices than you were BEFORE the loss. Now you are forced to wait until prices drop if you intend to make any $$$.
It can be a cruel game on our emotions. A game of "could haves", "should haves" and "would haves".
The (I) is looking attractive to me. I have no problem selling shares if I feel they can
outperform their current allocation. That is the wise thing
to do, and is also healthy for my mental well-being. Another thing that is healthy for my mental well-being is keeping something in (S) for when that tech turn-around occurs because
it will happen. I don't intend on kicking myself in the buttocks when it does!
Therefore, effective 9 Feb:
40 (S)
60 (I)
You all better jump in (S) now since I'm dumping shares.

does always seem to profit the day after I exit.
God Bless