rcknfrewld's account talk

Harwood is a known liberal - Perry may rebound regardless. Anyone is better than the chosen one. I'm in favor of Newt.
Newt would wipe the floor with obismal in the debates.

It would be a good debate. Newt is an excellent debator and speaker. Being short on campaign funds, the debates are giving
him more exposure. These debates have had small viewing audiences. When Fox has theirs in December, more people will be able
to see and hear Newt. I think Hannity called it yesterday on his radio show, watch Newt's numbers. Once he gets above 15% they left
will start trying to dig up dirt on him to discredit him. It appears they want Romney to go agains Obama for some reason?

Newt does make sense when he speaks. And althings aside, he did work with Clinton when he was Speaker of the House. And the surplus
in budget everyone gives Clinton credit for would not have happened without Newts cooperation. He deserves some, it not and equal share
of the credit for that.
Tom is sending me a message so I have to be civil. I got banned a while back for some unsavory comments about Obomba.
You are forever on double secret probabtion, B ;) but being new here, I don't think rcknfrewld knows what we went through here with politics a couple of years ago, and it is not really spelled out in the rules (that probably needs to change). Too many people get their feelers hurt. We lost a lot of good members who just couldn't get past their political differences with other members.

The unwritten rule is: If you can't discuss politics civily, go to www.beltwaytalk.com. :D