rangerray's Account Talk

I did the same - now fully exited! So Ranger, I like the painting you have as your avatar. Who is it? :scratchchin: I looked through catalog of artists/self portraits and did not see it.

And of course, now I see I may have guessed wrong. Oh, well. Maybe I can bank some gains before being out for the rest of the month.

The renaissance looking portrait is actually my upper-middle-aged mug! When it was all over the news, I used portraitai.com to make my own from a selfie, but I see it's being blocked right now from the computer I'm using as containing "malicious content." Maybe I broke it? Or, I think I heard some foreign country was using it to harvest images for facial recognition software. whatever, unless someone's getting into my bank account, I don't currently worry too much about stuff like that. I probably should, but not yet.

Nice action in the S Fund. Wow! I stepped out for a little while and it was around +.6% and come back to see +1.61%

It was a good day for an exit.
100% S Fund at COB today. I'm going to see what the first half of July holds, that is, if I can hold out that long. The DWCPF seems to want to stay within the channel that was established at the end of March, so that's a trend in my book (until it's not).
I don't have a lot to base this on, but if today's action looks poised to turn in a solid day in the green, I might take the gain and go at least 1/2 to the G Fund.
COB today I'll be 50% G, 25% C and 25% S. I don't trust these funds when we're near the highs and I might kick myself for not going 100% G, but there's an awful lot of month left to just be totally uninvested.
I can really identify with some of these funds. They start out the day positive, with a lot of strength and energy, then by the afternoon they just crap out and give up.
I can really identify with some of these funds. They start out the day positive, with a lot of strength and energy, then by the afternoon they just crap out and give up.

As discussed before. That's what makes a noon cut so frustrating for a IFT.
After today, I have a good feeling about tomorrow. GDP news seems to have been digested and the bulls seemed determined today.
I should probably wait for a pullback, but I'm doing the exact opposite of what I think I should do and going 100% S Fund at COB today.
At least my biweekly TSP contribution yesterday went in on the dip, hopefully the initial bounce this morning continues...
Does this mean the pattern is broken???:eek:

I don't think anybody knows what might happen from one day to the next with certainty, but what we do know is that change is inevitable. The effects of missed payments on mortgages, automobiles, student loans, credit card payments, etc. will be realized. The government printing money like wallpaper, Fed intervention to prop up the credit market, and (don't overlook the implications) the massive amounts of money pooling among the companies that have and continue to benefit dis-proportionally from the pandemic and give them additional power over other companies that are struggling. Then, there's the pandemic itself.

I think that, considering everything, investors are still just a little unsure and these afternoon "fades" are telling. If strength begins to hold into the close with regularity, then perhaps momentum has gotten a good hold again, but that too, in my opinion, is a good reason to be cautious. The market cannot always go up.