Active member
I did the same - now fully exited! So Ranger, I like the painting you have as your avatar. Who is it? :scratchchin: I looked through catalog of artists/self portraits and did not see it.
And of course, now I see I may have guessed wrong. Oh, well. Maybe I can bank some gains before being out for the rest of the month.
The renaissance looking portrait is actually my upper-middle-aged mug! When it was all over the news, I used portraitai.com to make my own from a selfie, but I see it's being blocked right now from the computer I'm using as containing "malicious content." Maybe I broke it? Or, I think I heard some foreign country was using it to harvest images for facial recognition software. whatever, unless someone's getting into my bank account, I don't currently worry too much about stuff like that. I probably should, but not yet.