Pyriel Account Talk


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OK... I wasn't going to create an account talk because I really don't have much to give to this forum as far as strategy whether it is long or short term is concern. However, I finally created one because I needed a medium to take out my frustration with this market j/k.

Let me tell you something about me so that you may know where I am coming from. I'm 37 happily married with two kids and will retire in 11 years. I am fortunate to be on active duty in my hometown and I never have to PCS. My wife works as a guidance counselor in DODEA school. Weonly have TSP and ROTH IRA for our paper assets. The rest is in real estate. Our plan is to leave our TSP and ROTH IRA to our kids. We don't plan on touching them. We are now in a position tocontribute 15K each to TSPfor 2006 and still maxboth of our ROTH. Weplan to buy onerental house per year and to upgrade that to 2-3rental houses starting 2007. Our paper asset at this time is about 1/10th of our real estate portfolio. Aside from my retirement check (11 yearslater), we hope to have about$10K passive income every month. We are about 40% there.

I like crunching numbers when it comes to real estate. I've started buying them when the economy was down and actually survived it. So I am not worried about the economy going down again and losing them all. I have about a year's worth of emergency fund which we plan to increase to 2 years worth later. This emergency fund will pay for all the mortgage bills even though we do not get any tenants for all of our properties (very unlikely). Average return for my real estate is about 40-50% per year consistently for about three years now. My bigger property gives me more.

I also like playing around with taxes. In fact my wife and I's W4s show "Married with 10 dependents" eventhough we only have two kids. Our real estate and TSPs are off setting our income and bringing us to a lower bracket. I've also created a corporation for my real estate so that I can pass on day to day expenses such as cell phone charges, insurance, car loans, utilitiesetc. etcand make them tax deductibleinstead of them coming from our already taxed income.

As for TSP. Geezzz... This is the most frustrating part. I s**cked. I started moving around December timeframe. I am learning alot from everyone's input. I don't have a system yet to follow but I am thinking whether I really need one. Just about everyone i've seen here is an expert. However, I do know one thing. When the market drops, it will eventually go up. When will it go up is the question and that is why I am hanging around here because I am out of my league when it comes to moving paper money and tracking charts and having a system. I am relying on you guys and gals to help me out on that. I am very aggressive once I learn a system. For now, I just moved out of 100s to go 50g50f to regroup.

Regards to everyone and let's help each other out...
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Nice pic, pyriel. Also, nice call on 100% equities. I'll likely be in 100% also by next week, if the present trend continues.
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mlk_man wrote:
Damn it man, make up your mind!! :P
its a good thing my baby woke up and I was able to check the net. Seeing s is tanking, I thought it would be a better buying opportunity than to leave it at 50i. I'm thinking that if the market goes down again on Monday, I will at least have another 50g to throw in for the party. Going to sleep now...
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Hello all... I just want to give everyone a heads up that I will start cleaning peoples' account this weekend. Please utilize people's account talk if you would like to leave any notes, comments, or questions. Thanks...
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going 60c40s before 1200 est Monday 5/9/05.

I'll hang on to this for a couple of days. I don't see I fund doing any better with jobs being cut left and right in Europe. Germany and France are not doing too well economically. Japan is down as of this afternoon in my area. Tuesday afternoon,Cisco reports earningsand Wed Walt Disner report their earning as well. Both will report slightly higher than last year. Trade deficit down to to 60b from 61.5b. Now is oil going to go up or down? Hope C/S does well this week. Good Luck.
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Spring Cleaning?:^The Summer Sink should clean us out pretty good.
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It's 0110 hours Tuesday morning here. Finally got the old compaq running again after struggling with it for 4 hours... I see the market still doesn't know where it is going to go. I guess, i'll find out when I wake up. Currently 100c but will be 60c40s by tomorrow. Those people that receives the trackers weekly from me, I apologize for the delay. Network at work went down and we are not able to send email outside of our domain. I'll try again tomorrow... For now, time to get some :zz.

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Moving 100c before 1200 est Friday, 5/13/05.

Just getting ready to be 100c for Monday. So far this year, c fund had been 12 up and 6 down on Mondays while s/i had been about 50/50 up and down... This is just my assessment. For those who wants to make money, just do the opposite of what I am doing.:shock:
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You must know about the big surprise that is on the way. We don't want to start any rumors, but I feel it also-really I do.
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going 100s before 1200 est Wednesday 5/18/05.

I'll wait another day beforeI go to the I fund.
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pyriel wrote:
going 100s before 1200 est Wednesday 5/18/05.

I'll wait another day beforeI go to the I fund.
Change of heart... Going 50g50s before 1200 est Wednesday 5/18/05.

Going 100i before 1200 est Thursday 5/19/05.

Going 100c before 1200 est Friday 5/20/05.

Let's see how this go.... This could be fun...
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Did I see Chicken Little leaving your house with a certain limp. Did you kick that little guy. I know he's been terribly negative lately.

100% C fund at the close on 5/23? You realize your price could be exceeding $13.00 by that time. Yes it will be fun-but unfortunately not for some. This is what really makes the investing world go round. The lowest denominator is green money. Not copper.

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Did I see Chicken Little leaving your house with a certain limp. Did you kick that little guy. I know he's been terribly negative lately.

100% C fund at the close on 5/23? You realize your price could be exceeding $13.00 by that time. Yes it will be fun-but unfortunately not for some. This is what really makes the investing world go round. The lowest denominator is green money. Not copper.

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Birch, You are so funny... I am following something and sticking to it. I'll be back in c by Monday... Then off to I fund I go by next week.... We'll see...
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Hmmm... I fund didn't do as well as everyone speculated. As a result, i'm seeing some jump out. Dollar was just too strong??? I hope I didn't go in 100i just when it is about to drop. However, i fund have so much to gain and they've been up more on Friday than c/s. We'll see what happens... Putting in ift for 100c before 1200 est Friday...
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Going 100s before 1200 est Monday, 5/23/05.

FOMC minutes being released on Tuesday. So far we look pretty good.There were 3 FOMC minutes released this year 1/4/05, 2/23/05, and 4/12/05. 1/4 we know the market tanked, but 2/3 and 4/12brought the market up for c/s. For all 3 FOMC minutes released, the i fund went down for all of them.

Be careful...Everyone knows that if you want tomake money, all you have to do is do the opposite of what I am doing.Goodluck to all...
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Bull, according to the tracking officer you are currently rated number uno(1).

Are your kids helping you out on this-I guess that's only fair. Congratulations.

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Birchtree wrote:

Bull, according to the tracking officer you are currently rated number uno(1).

Are your kids helping you out on this-I guess that's only fair. Congratulations.

Hhhmmmm... Whoever he is, apparently has not seen my account balance. Hehehehehe....
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pyriel wrote:
Hhhmmmm... Whoever he is, apparently has not seen my account balance. Hehehehehe....
Your account balance might not rank you as "numero uno". But when it comes to hard work, commitment, quality constribution to this board and helping others, if you are not #1, you are pretty close to #1.

Thank you for all you offer to this board.
