Poolman's Account Talk

Yes Squalebear, Good for stocks and bad for interest rates. Be Carefull though. I'm not suggesting anything.

Thanks Poolman, I most certainly will be careful. Greed is pushing me to
stay in another day. But I'm worried about profit taking and a sell off on
thursday because of the Economic Reports due out on Friday. What to
do,,, what to do. I'll know come 11:45am in either case ! Again, thanks
for the comeback. ;)
I'm going to stay in the Frog Pond Today. I'll be back later. My errand list is starting to back up. :laugh:

Lilly Pad represented the (F) Fund when I first came to this site.
But things change. Frog Pond etc... I can't seem to come up with
a better nickname for the (G) Fund. Fallout Shelter, Safehaven and
Homebase all seem to be too confusing. "Gulp" is accurate but also
sounds silly. Heck, maybe we need a little more sillyness anyway !:toung:
Could call it the Garage since that is where you park. Keeps your investment warm, dry and safe from hazards. (Mostly safe)
."G" Fund.............."F" Fund

Lilly Pad.................Frog Pond
Piggie Bank............F'n Fund
Mason Jar
"G"ood Fund (I like this one)