Poolman's Account Talk

In the money videos are going to end on YouTube? Bummer. Can someone verify what I heard on todays video?

InTheMoneyStocks.com will no longer post on YouTube. :( You will have to pay to watch the videos on their web site. :mad: To watch the video on their new site will cost you $49.99 a month. :sick: I really enjoyed their videos but I do not think I would spend $49.99 a month for them.

May the force be with us.:cool:
What a fine example of capitalism;)

They are more in tune with day traders or more like hour traders..Although they did see the future a little...Too bad they too have been bitten by the greed bug.
InTheMoneyStocks.com will no longer post on YouTube. You will have to pay to watch the videos on their web site. :mad: To watch the video on their new site will cost you $49.99 a month. :sick: I really enjoyed their videos but I do not think I would spend $49.99 a month for them.

May the force be with us.:cool:
They were GREAT but can KMA!:nuts:
What? Who, do I need to read back or something? Am I missing something my friend? If not ----- What? I surely am not arranged to deal with this.:worried:
What a fine example of capitalism;)

They are more in tune with day traders or more like hour traders..Although they did see the future a little...Too bad they too have been bitten by the greed bug.

They are certainly free to do whatever they like, but moves like this are just the beginning of the end for such enterprises. He's better off using this free service to try to get customers to his larger enterprise in the long run. People don't pay for services like this at a high enough rate to make it marketable.
Freudian slip there... "low income minorities" instead of "low income people".
Whatever he's drinking I want some!!!
They are certainly free to do whatever they like, but moves like this are just the beginning of the end for such enterprises. He's better off using this free service to try to get customers to his larger enterprise in the long run. People don't pay for services like this at a high enough rate to make it marketable.

I liken it to the Ebb service et al...And we see how well they did once they went fee for service.
Well it look's like "inthemoneystocks.com"

video's are not free anymore. $50.00 a month

to join. I'm going to miss it.
Well it look's like "inthemoneystocks.com"

video's are not free anymore. $50.00 a month

to join. I'm going to miss it.
Oh well, it was nice while they lasted...Thanks so much for posting them whenever you could..much appreciated.;)
There are more out there we just have to find them. I have a few squirreled away and will post them in the future.

There is no shame in gleaning the fields.
The root cause of this cause is Bill Clinton! Everyone should be able to buy a house, regardless if they can afford it or not. I blame him for this crisis and the loss or all our Manufacturing jobs due to---------- I really think you know what I'm talking about! If you don't you need to study!!! Oh, Hillary told him what to do!!! He was too busy chasing skirts!!:laugh: