A dollar invested on Sept 18, 2000 with perfect trades every day will pass the 30 million dollar mark today...
Equation is simple:
(1+Max(Percent difference of ALL FUNDS on 9/18/2000)) * 1 = FIRST DAY
(1+Max(Percent difference of ALL FUNDS on 9/19/2000)) * FIRST DAY = SECONDDAY
(1+Max(Percent difference of ALL FUNDS on ...) * Nth Day = (N+1)th Day
(1+Max(Percent difference of ALL FUNDS on 2/1/2010)*2340th Day = $29,755,550.84
Entirely useless, but it's something that I track for fun. And to remind myself the power of compounding and the evils of negative percentages.
Ill break it down by significant money amounts and their dates
9/18/2000: $1
3/19/2001: $2.01
3/8/2002: $10.03
6/3/2003: $100.07
10/5/2004: $1003.64
7/19/2006: $10249.94
1/28/2008: $101712.29
11/24/2008: 1 Mill
7/20/2009: 10 Mill
This is the magic of compounding when your account never goes down. When your account goes down, it is harder to make up the percent difference.
I will continue this thread, but no longer has data back before 2003. But this time, I will be point out dates where the one dollar investment doubles....
(I am just doing this as an excel exercise, it has no value).
06/02/2003: $1.00
10/22/2003: $2.00
03/25/2004: $4.01
09/13/2004: $8.01
03/24/2005: $16.03
09/29/2005: $32.18
03/30/2006: $64.81
09/12/2006: $128.26
03/29/2007: $256.57
09/13/2007: $513.59
01/29/2008: $1,029.34 <------Non-March date.
05/22/2008: $2,051.94
09/19/2008: $4,220.60
11/07/2008: $8,400.91
12/30/2008: $16,568.60
03/18/2009: $32,955.63
05/18/2009: $65,592.71
08/28/2009: $131,553.67
01/04/2010: $267,055.70
05/12/2010: $528,640.75
09/02/2010: $1,057,878.15
01/26/2011: $2,113,786.91
06/28/2011: $4,215,892.42
09/26/2011: $8,530,483.95
12/16/2011: $16,924,744.13
05/21/2012: $33,726,495.54
10/19/2012: $67,224,830.72
04/29/2013: $134,768,355.80
10/15/2013: $269,122,681.30
04/15/2014: $538,119,506.40
11/10/2014: $1,079,260,251
05/08/2015: $2,183,407,008
10/15/2015: $4,311,324,640
An interesting thing I noticed while writing down the dates for those numbers is a pattern that emerges. Doubling almost wants to be in harmony like a beat of a drum. Can you see the first date that doesn't continue the oscillating March/Sept/March/Sept? January 2008. As we all know, 2008 was a horrendous year... perhaps this is an indication of an outlier year?
The average time to double from 2003-2007 was 174 days. From 2008-2011 it was 103 days. From 2012-2015 it is 175 days. After 2011, the oscillation go back to twice a year.
Just wanted to share what I was thinking today...