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You are exactly right it is very confusing!!I understand that nnuut. Just saying they could classify as something else than 100% withdrawal. This is interim planning to get us through this year. Income taxes are going to be different this year as I have earned income from the former J.O.B., SS from the spouse and me and TSP withdrawal. All will settle down within the next year or so.
When and if this surgery takes place is up to the Prima donnas, I meant fine qualified surgeons, and if they can fit it in and I am sure if they believe our medical insurance will pay for it.
Life goes on and retirement is not always as seamless as I might have thought. It sure does beat working.
Just me complaining and trying to justify why all has been in G fund for so long. Calculators say it will last in to our 90s. Long term care not covered by the two insurance companies is another issue that I hope doesn’t happen.
Thanks. Have estimated 2020 income from adjusted Jan payments. Should have a good handle on it all.Any questions about how this all rolled out are welcomed. Any advice as well.
PO, Once you get this year's return filed with partial year income numbers you should be able to project next year's full year numbers, guestimate tax amounts for next year, and adjust your withholdings to cover taxes due. The first full year will be hard to be accurate with your estimating but after that pretty easy. I always allow a pretty good cushion cause I hate to owe Uncle at year end. LOL Tax rate tables are easy to find online. Good Luck!
Yes saw that and the DFAS site has been updated to show W2s will be available 1/18. Getting there just getting antsy about getting taxes done.1099's from OPM should be available to download by end of January.
I will, Lord willing, crick don't rise and I don't drool on the keyboard and short out something. That's two years from now.Good luck PO! Let us know how everything turns out!