PessOptimist's Account Talk

I am sitting here in the southwest listening to my AC churning away and working on my own third beer. I thought it would be prudent, for once, to keep my rambling "solo guitar player" schtick in my own home. Maybe this way I won't get asked for an ID while being investigated for PUI.
Yeah I wish I had really learned to play back in the day but at least I'm not stuck moving microwave ovens.:cheesy: Finally saw the light and gave my latest cheap accoustic to my daughter last year.
It is perfect evaporative cooler weather here, 96 degrees and 17% rh. Alas that is not to be as I live in the "new" southwest of the 90s-new millenuim where swamp coolers are for "those" people and a roof top unit is "unsightly".
Yeah, I am one of those guilty of taking a perfectly adequate farming community and turning it in to LA east. To prove my point I could boost myself up on the wall and reach out and touch my neighbor's house, but why aggrevate or disturb him? He is a good guy and one of the few neighbors I actuallly know.
I will now quote a fellow MB member and southwester who's postings fit my mood at the moment. Hope you don't get testy JJ.:D Replies from three different threads, all out of context but IMHO all words of wisdom to live by.
by JimmyJoe
Car bodies made with hemp. Air less tires. Bicycle roads. Corner vegetable stands. Keeping aging parents at home, multi generational families under one roof. Available, cheap, alternate energy. I live in the southwest and love my 'swamp coola'. It sits on my roof and cools the house to a sweet 75 degrees. That's alternative energy that has been round for decades. Course the refridgerant AC folks are woiking hard, advertising, to get folks to change over. Walking to corner veg markets, if they existed. Stop running on the streets. Who says you can add to the public appearance of self torment and aggravation. Stretch in your house or out in your backyard. Have sex. Eat vegs to moderate your heft and improve your appearance. Smile when you open your eyes in the morning. Don't believe the news or the commercials or tv in general. Believe in your self. I know. I know. Believing in yourself is likely to get peoples not to like you, but they can get bent or pack sand (their preference). Have a good memorial holy day y'all.
Buster. You going easy on me is like a complement. James is cool too. I'm on my third beer so I hope you two are doing just as good.
I normally would give you a great, deep answer. Now, today, probably for the rest of my life I recommend the following only because it's all beyond our control. Realize too that it never was in our control. That is...'Ride this train to your paradise." Have a happy day.
As most of us enjoy the long weekend, let's make sure we do not confuse Memorial Day with other occasions paying tribute to those serving or who have served. Formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. None of us MB members who served meet that criteria.
Well. I don't know anymore. Nice that you've got a friend next door. That's my point. Haney tries to help Ray Ramano's golf and is told by Ray's friend to treat him like a tree. My golf swing is getting better.
Well. I don't know anymore. Nice that you've got a friend next door. That's my point. Haney tries to help Ray Ramano's golf and is told by Ray's friend to treat him like a tree. My golf swing is getting better.

Glad your golf swing is improving.

I never meant to imply I had a friend next door, only that I actullly knew him.

Actually knowing one of your neighbor's here is fairly unique. One recent case, new neighbors moved in to one of the many rentals and another neighbor went to introduce himself. The rentee stated he didn't want to meet anyone and went in to the house. That was two renters ago.

I freely admit I am part of the problem. When new "neighbors" only come around after dark, wearing a polo shirt with a logo, clip board in hand; and start asking questions about the alarm system and who is home during the day, I usually tell them to come back in the light of day. This has gotten me a reputation of being unfriendly. Perhaps well deserved. I have told extremely persistant ones to get out of my yard. One of these individuals stood on the corner opposite my house for a while and was picked up be a dark SUV. The SUV moved down the street and parked for about 30 minutes before moving on. This is not the me I used to know. What's next for me, seeing helicopters and wearing tin hats?

Please feel free to tell me the error of my ways. Either in public or by PM.
quote Pess opti.
I freely admit I am part of the problem. When new "neighbors" only come around after dark, wearing a polo shirt with a logo, clip board in hand; and start asking questions about the alarm system and who is home during the day, I usually tell them to come back in the light of day. This has gotten me a reputation of being unfriendly. Perhaps well deserved. quote.

I see. Well, You are part of the problem. The invaders are the normal ones. They get paid just like we get paid. Their gig is to check up on ya. When they get tired of doing it or find a worse problem to them, they'll move on. Now when we learn to take it without question, then they'll ..... ya know.:cool: Just check for bent pinkys... "The Invaders" (TV sifi show of the 60's). Now I know where the term "get bent" arose.:laugh: (not applicable to anyone on this board).:o Everyone have a happy summer.
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Thought I would post something just to say hi, thanks etc.

I am leaving town on vacation shortly. Last year when I did this, I moved my TSP mostly in to G since I wouldn't be watching it. I had only been watching it for about five months. I thought I knew something.

That was at the beginning of March. I did move a small amount in to equities at the end of May. Basically I missed the whole rally.

I finally put more in to equities late last year. You know how that went.

This year, I am just going to let it ride until I get back. Then I don't know. I never know. I never follow one system. My gains so far this year show that. Maybe I should put it all in L2020 and ignore it?

Regards, pessoptimist.
Re: lounge thread "Euthanasia-it's just a ****ing dog" - it's over

  1. As I said on the euthanasia thread over in the lounge, I am taking updates to my underutilized home. For those not familiar, it is about my old dog.

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I may have started this out of self pity but hope it was out of concern for my Daisy.

    The eating problem got progresively worse with only tiny hand fed morsels accepted. Still walking around and asking to go out when necessary. Considerate of us to the end.

    Tuesday morning she wouldn't stand up or take any food or meds. I expected a phone call all day. Tuesday evening she was up, alert, wagging and ate lunch meat and some chicken livers I cooked for her.

    Wednesday morning the same thing thing and I got a call from the wife about 3:15, not drinking water, falling down on the tile floors, tongue purplish. When I got home she was standing up waiting for me wagging the stupid tail. Got her in to the truck where she just stood on the back floor staring vacantly. Then we pull in to the vets office and suddenly she jumps up on the console all excited just like normal. She liked going there.

    Carried her in to the waiting room and she stood staring again. Suddenly my composure has vanished and I can't talk. Acting like a blubbering idiot. Jeeze.

    I personally would recommend placing the animal on the table and leaving once the anesthetic is administered. You've said goodby at that point and there is very litttle comfort in actually seeing the labored breathing stop. At that point your friend is just a cadaver, carcass, whatever.

    Too much info? Likely.

    Since I posted the other thread, I thought I should also update all of your who posted there. Thanks again for all your comments.

    Bye Daisy
Sorry PO. It is a tough decision to make. It has been a month for us and once in awhile I will walk in the house expecting to see our Jake laying in his favorite spot.
About 10 years ago I started not finishing my lunch, usually leftovers in a plastic container, and bringing the leftover leftovers home. The dog would meet me at the door and carry my soft lunch box to the kitchen. Her reward would be the leftover lunch.

If I didn't bring the lunch box home for any reason (forgot it, didn't eat lunch and left it for tomorrow) I would get lectured and then complained to for a while. Not barked at, just a lot of grumbling and comments.

The patio door makes a tick noise once in a while as it expands or contracts. Sounds exactly like the soft back pawed toenail tap signal for going in or out. Always did sound that way and always made me look when I heard it.

It's funny the little things you notice when there are changes in your life.
Gee, I am only down 2% in the tracker and it's only the end of August. If I put it all in G I will end up down about 1%. If I leave 50% in equities I need a 10% gain to break even. Like that is going to happen. I'm doomed to lose this year. Buy, hold and ignore worked out pretty good for me. Gotta come up with a strategy and stick to it. G fund looks pretty good for next year right now.
Well, geeze. I actually got up on my aws day off on time to make a move. I am positive for the last couple days, maybe time to move to the pad. That will guarantee me a +.5% for the year.

Alas, the move was not to be as a user on my little home network had a problem that had to be fixed immediately. Soon it was past 1200 EDT.

I posted a lot about that on another MB if you care to look.

It was stated in another member's thread that I am well protected with 50% in G fund. There is a reason for that. The above mentioned user has mandated that, as the user is well aware of laws making that user 50% owner of the fund. That user has recently become aware that "my" 50% of the fund may drag down the other 50%. The user has become aware that payday contributions are a 50/50 split.

Enough whining about "the user". What to do? Let it lie and pray. Move to G and guarantee a .5% gain, depending on what happens monday? Too late to worry this weekend.

Everyone have a great weekend.
Well, geeze. I actually got up on my aws day off on time to make a move. I am positive for the last couple days, maybe time to move to the pad. That will guarantee me a +.5% for the year.

Alas, the move was not to be as a user on my little home network had a problem that had to be fixed immediately. Soon it was past 1200 EDT.

I posted a lot about that on another MB if you care to look.

It was stated in another member's thread that I am well protected with 50% in G fund. There is a reason for that. The above mentioned user has mandated that, as the user is well aware of laws making that user 50% owner of the fund. That user has recently become aware that "my" 50% of the fund may drag down the other 50%. The user has become aware that payday contributions are a 50/50 split.

Enough whining about "the user". What to do? Let it lie and pray. Move to G and guarantee a .5% gain, depending on what happens monday? Too late to worry this weekend.

Everyone have a great weekend.

hard to get the cat back in the bag now!!
Don't worry, when "the user" sees your half compounding you can use reverse rationale. :laugh:
Nice try crws, that don't work. 50% of gains belong to co-owner, 50% of losses belong to me.

Co-owner (formerly referrred to as user) doesn't really understand TSP funds and has gotten the sig others of friends to contact me about stock trading. The aforementioned sig others have dutifully contacted me, we have discussed things and they understand that they know nothing about TSP funds, don't really care, were formerly day or swing traders and now seem to be buy and holders of whatever. We have performed our due dilligence as to investments.:D

Sharing is great! That's why we have others in our lives.

Looking at the tracker I am up .52%. Since the tracker hasn't been adjusted since my last IFT, it discounts all my contributions. Bottom line, looking at the account balance, shows me I have basically pissed away all my contributions since April. That's a relatively (to me) large sum of money. Yeah, I picked up more shares but would have been better off putting my contributions in a place where they earned 2.5%. Like the G fund.
I feel your pain, PessOptimist! But I have kind of the reverse "co-owner" problem. I'm handling both my and Spouse's TSP accounts. Because of recent personal events I am trying to get Spouse to learn something - - anything - - about the TSP accounts. He waves me off, telling me if he ever has to deal with it he'll just put everything in G where it's safe.


I can't get him to see that sticking everything in G and leaving it there is the riskiest choice of all. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't worry about it. If that ever happens I certainly won't care at that point! :rolleyes::laugh:

Damn. I had a plan for a possible t-day pop. This one might have actually worked, for a few days.

Tuesday morning I was all ready to move some in to equities if it looked like a down day. I need to make the IFT by 10AM local time. Work usually makes that difficult for one reason or another.

About 8 AM my boss's boss said he needed to see me in his office. Oh oh. Now what?

I had been invited to donate some urine for the cause.

The donation location is about 10 miles away through rush hour traffic and I gotta do it by 10 AM. Best case travel time 30-35 minutes. Gotta find someone to cover the NOC, hard to do as most of the workcenter is also going to donate. (random? I think not so much)

I made pretty good time and got back to my desk at 9:58 by the computer clock. From past experience, I realized there was no way I could make an IFT by 12 EST.

I could have done it for COB yesterday but since it was based on seaonality there was no reason. Turns out that was sort of right.

Now I'll just wait until next month and hope there is a dip followed by a Santa Claus rally. I always have been really bad at trying to time the market. I just know I have to get back in some time.

Was this just another vast government conspiracy to keep me from making a few bucks?

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
That vast conspiracy must be looking out to save me a few bucks.:confused:

Viva la random drug testing.:D

That's what I get for thinking and having a plan.
Well, jeeze Louise, holy cannoli and madona with meatballs.

On 11/5/10 I changed my G50 C35 S15 to G85 C10 I5. Why the I5? Something I read somewhere.


C 14.7735
S 20.0093
I 20.1195


C 14.7922
S 20.5737
I 19.5075

Talk about good timing!

Wednesday night I was thinking about moving back in to C but thought I would look at the morning market. Thursday morning I was assigned to help out on a “problematic” project so that never happened. Friday at work I had no time to look at the market and based on the close that was just as well. Worked today too. Waah! Don't feel too sorry for me, 20 hours OT. Working tomorrow too.

Another fine mess I've gotten in to by trying to time the market. The question is should I get back in for COB Monday or wait to see if there is another dip before the hoped for take off?

There are lot's of opinions here. Comments/suggestions welcomed! I promise I won't hold anyone responsible.

