LOL !!! Ain't THAT the truth !!!
I set up a monthly withdrawal from TSP from the time I retired until the time the supplement went away (and I could claim SS ; at age 62 ; which I did). The rest of the TSP, I rolled over into a self-directed Brokerage IRA with USAA....withdrawal as needed. Rolled the Wife's 403(b) retirement into a similar account.
We've tapped our accounts a few times, like for our bucket list trip to Australia and New Zealand, but haven't withdrawn anything in 2019 or YTD 2020... New Bucket list trips have been kinda' screwed by Corona...and we're not getting any younger !!!
Now I gotta start looking at the impact of the required minimum distribution calcs...Wife hits that age first...
Talk about a headache !!!
Sorry, Gibsonman, for hijacking your thread ! :worried:
Hey Stoplight. We loved Australia and New Zealand. This COVID sure put a damper on our vacation travels. We had 4 cruises lined up this year, one being a family cruise with the daughters and their families. Not sure what we will do for 2021.
Haven't had to tap my TSP yet or the wife's 401 since I'm still working after failing retirement in 2014. Going retirement 2.0 sometime late summer next year. Just applied for SS for both of us late last month. Figured might as well get it while we can.
Take care.