Paying for advice


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I have been toying with the idea of finding somone who can tell me when and how much to move between funds when appropiate. Has anybody done this or contemplating?


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Welcome zbwmy -
That's what we are do here at We talk percentages rather than dollar amounts sothat should cover everyone. No charge though. :) All we ask is that you use the links to our sponsors if you plan to use any of their products.

Or did I misunderstand your question?


I have been toying with the idea of finding somone who can tell me when and how much to move between funds when appropiate. Has anybody done this or contemplating?
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I actually wanted to know if anyone is or may pay a financial advisor for this service.
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Not that I know of but I'm sure you could find someone. I bet I knowhow that would go. A good, honest financialadvisor would probably recommend that you diversify and leave your TSP account alone. I'd be concerned about dealing with someone right out of college who gets paid on commission.

Although listening to us could bedangerous,we won't drain your wallet. ;)



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So lets set up a fictional account here on TSPTalk. We will put in $100,000.00 and diversify it according to 15 years till retirement. Then we can track it and compare to the moves we make ourselves.

What do you think Tom?

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Not a bad idea.That is one reason why I put he 20% diversified column on my returns page. That spreadsheet is pretty busy already and tough to follow. I guess what I can do is add twodollar amount columns on the end, starting it out at $10K.

I'd also take volunteers to maintain a new spreadsheet for us. :)
You can update it and email it to me and I willpost it on a page. My plate is pretty full.

Let me think about how it would be best and easiest to do this. I'm still trying to find out if what I'm doing is kosher. I set up the site to say, here is what I'm doing, and this is why. I don't want to cross the line and say, this is what you should do. I may need to be licensed to say that. I'm looking into it because I get requests from people asking if they could pay me to makethe transfers for them because they are not always around when my email alert goes out. Since there seems to be a need, I thought about having a service where I would do that for people. But again, I'm looking into the legality of it.



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I wouldn't touch anyones retirement money, regardless of what they paid me.

This site IMHO, should be about what everyone else is doing and why. Then we can trash each other on their reasoning. This will spark interest and motivation to educate ourselves on our TSP options and moves.
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I wouldn't touch anyones retirement money, regardless of what they paid me.

This site IMHO, should be about what everyone else is doing and why. Then we can trash each other on their reasoning. This will spark interest and motivation to educate ourselves on our TSP options and moves.
What ever happened to this guy?...Somebody must of gave him the 'therfore' and 'how come..':D