Well, some feedback for today.
We're exactly on track as predicted last week. The chart is shaping up nicely. Last week I said that the S&P would have to fill in the gap around 1430 before it would reverse direction. Well, we're getting darn close to that level now. I said that a buy back in under 1460 was a good thing, and that if we were to get below the 1460 mark, we would most likely see 1430 and then the turnaround.
There is nothing today that changes that idea. We are exactly where we should be, according to history and the P&F charts.
Here is today's action, showing two more "O"s appearing, as we close in on that 1430 level. Today wer're at 1445.
Because we're not able to go in at exact levels, I would say now is a good time to begin buying back in. We can't call the bottom exactly, because we have only once a day opportunities to buy, and that is at the close. I am fully in, having ridden it down this month. That's my fault for not being fully engaged here, but rather being engaged elsewhere, if you know what I mean. We've hit 2,000 signatures on the petition, and that is good, but it's only a start. More are needed, and more help in getting the word out.
Anyway, I see the P&F chart showing closing in on 1430. That's a good entry point for the next wave up. I see a postive wave coming, so we'll leave it at that.
Remember, use your own feelings, your own intellegence, and your own level of risk in deciding what to do with your own money. Don't listen to me, as I am just another federal employee, with my own ideas. You do what you want to do. This is NOT financial advice of any kind. If you decide to buy in here, around 1430, it's because YOU made that decision on your own.
Oh yea, one final disclaimer: My favorite one:
"Except in Nebraska."
Have a good day.