'Social Engineering', The Belmont Club, Richard Fernandez...
1. Always read 'The Belmont Club'
2. The Chinese do not care about the $27 bucks in Burros account
3. They most likely care deeply about the peccadilloes of various database administrators, server administrators, and programmers
The gubmint doesn't seem to value skillset. They want their mid-level management to be the 'leaders of the free world' rather than competent managers who understand their technology, workforce, and the risks involved. My guess is that Katherine Achuleta has no idea of what happened and is just wallowing about. She probably has a Masters Degree in Leadership or something... Then she hires someone with a Masters Degree in Project Management or something... Or maybe someone with a Security+ certificate but no background in any of the IT fields...
There will be many, many data breaches stemming from this one. I kinda target myself by typing here. Some part of the 1.6 Billion people in China got my info - what they got is anyone guess - and are now scouring blogs like this one to see who has high access. Then some chump with bad english will call and mention something that happened in the way back that was disclosed during the security check. Well, bad english phone grinder, I don't have the access you seek. Call someone else...