And exactly who is this company that bought the first shipment of exported AMERICAN crude oil?
In 2007, Vitol pleaded guilty to grand
larceny in a New York court for paying surcharges to Iraq's national oil company during
Saddam's regime and circumventing the
UN oil-for-food program. Vitol subsequently paid $17.5 million in restitution for its actions.[SUP]
According to an article in the Financial Times, Vitol was the company to organise the first controversial sale of Libyan rebel oil to
Tesoro Corporation in early April 2011.[SUP]
[24][/SUP] According to the
Financial Times, the company was approached by the Qatari national oil company to sell a cargo of crude oil supplied by the Libyans in exchange for technological supplies and fuel for the
National Transitional Council of Libya.[SUP]
In September 2012, and article in
Reuters alleged that the company had bought and sold Iranian fuel oil, bypassing an EU
embargo against Tehran.
Vitol bought 2 million barrels using a ship-to-ship transfer off the coast of Malaysia from a
National Iranian Tanker Company vessel and sold it to Chinese traders. The article stated that as Vitol is based in Switzerland, which did not implement Western sanctions, Vitol had skirted the charges.[SUP]
In 2013, The Telegraph alleged that the company had been using for over a decade an Employee Benefit Trust, avoiding paying income tax for its UK staff.[SUP]