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Fracking may be relieving the pressure slowly and preventing a major earthquake, I said maybe, possibly, it could be but not under every geological situation.As it has been blaring across world news stations lately, Oklahoma has experienced more than it's usual share of earthquakes lately..A 4.2 was recorded in the last week just North and East of OKC, OK..I felt it myself and I live over 25 miles from the recent one..they all seem to be centered around an area where there is heavy use of fracking...I was skeptical at first as to the cause or causes of the earthquake swarms, but I'm beginning to think there is a correlation between fracking and earthquakes...
I can imagine if fracking and damaging earthquakes are somehow proven to be linked, then there will be $billions$ of dollars spent on claims from damaged homeowners and businesses....And then you WILL SEE oil and natural gas prices explode...jury is still out
Yeah, I also believe the small ones relieve the pressure to keep a big one from happening...But, the Geologist here are saying a bigger event is now more likely to happen and that the little quakes are precursors to a larger one...Like I said, jury is still out..Fracking may be relieving the pressure slowly and preventing a major earthquake, I said maybe, possibly, it could be but not under every geological situation.
Yeah but they really don't know! When I lived on the San Andreas Fault in CA. [About 10 miles NNE] they always said that when we didn't have any earthquakes for an extended period of time we were more likely to have a BIG ONE. It's a major plate tectonic fault and possibly reacts differently than the minor fault lines. Just doesn't make good walking around sense to me.Yeah, I also believe the small ones relieve the pressure to keep a big one from happening...But, the Geologist here are saying a bigger event is now more likely to happen and that the little quakes are precursors to a larger one...Like I said, jury is still out..
I've got earthquake but not flood, wish I had Obama Insurance!Either reason they're happening, I got Earthquake Insurance just in case.
That's what you call a bunch!
We're just $.03 different..Sill $3.39 hereE10 down $.02 a gallon to $3.42 a gallon in BP Georgia.