Oil Slick Stuff

E85 vs. Gasoline Comparison Test

Running on Alcohol Fumes
Published: 05/21/2007 Updated: 04/29/2009 - by Dan Edmunds, Director of Vehicle Testing Philip Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor

Gas/E85 difference: The fuel economy of our Tahoe on E85, under these conditions, was 26.5 percent worse than it was when running on gas.
A motorist, filling up and comparing the prices of regular gas and E85, might see the price advantage of E85 (in our case 33 cents or 9.7 percent less) as a bargain. However, since fuel economy is significantly reduced, the net effect is that a person choosing to run their flex-fuel vehicle on E85 on a trip like ours will spend 22.8 percent more to drive the same distance. For us, the E85 trip was about $30 more expensive — about 22.9 cents per mile on E85 versus 18.7 cents per mile with gasoline.
E85 vs. Gasoline Comparison Test
Despite court ruling, EPA raises biofuel estimate

Published January 31, 2013
Associated Press
Days after a federal appeals court said the Obama administration is setting overly optimistic production quotas for the struggling biofuels industry, the government issued new standards Thursday that raise production estimates for 2013.
New standards announced by the Environmental Protection Agency require production of 14 million gallons of so-called cellulosic biofuels made from grasses and woody material. That's up from an 8.7 million-gallon requirement in 2012 -- when actual production was near zero.

Read more: Despite court ruling, EPA raises biofuel estimate | Fox News
Gas spiking, regular 10% moonshine averaging $3.34 a gallon in Boiled Peanut GA!
Not yet...

Imagine what gas will be when oil hits $100, $110,... $150

We could hit the administration's goal of $8/gal

Study claims gov’t underestimated the benefits of opening federal lands to drilling

9:10 AM 02/05/2013

The CBO found that opening up federal lands would generate a total of $7 billion in revenues during the first decade — $5 billion from ANWR and $2 billion from areas of the outer continental shelf. The CBO projected revenues from opening more lands to be between $2 billion and $4 billion from 2023 to 2035.
However, the CBO estimates are low because they only take into account revenues raised from leases and ignores the wider economic impacts on the economy from opening more lands, this new study claims.

Read more: Study claims gov't underestimated the benefits of opening federal lands to drilling | The Daily Caller
We're talking about our gasoline taxes in Michigan again- our roads are in real bad shape, and the governor is proposing increasing spending to repair the roads here.

Here is a current chart of the cost of state taxes per gallon for fuel across the USA, by state.

This is what is supposed to pay for maintaining out highways/infrastructure that is so neglected in the USA.:laugh: