Oil Slick Stuff

Can we drill in your back yard....nevermind the black rain. I'm sure your neighbors would love it.!!

Can we put the refinery next to your kids/grandkids school (idk your age)???

Identify-Evaluate-Execute (safely) Me personally, I wish that we could identify the easiest way to make nuclear waste intert and take over the state of Nevada (80,000 sq miles i think are available) and let's power (as Buster puts it) THE FRICKEN WORLD.:cool:
Well....doesn't work with the age, no kids?:toung: Nuclear would be fine, Except! there appears to be no plan to manage and transport the waste. I'd love to see no worries nuclear waste too, but right now it's up there with solar panels in space...would be nice but technology and atoms so far are not on our side. As for the refinery...I'd prefer natural gas over petroleum. Much more native natural gas than oil and burns a lot cleaner. I just was grumbling that even if we drill more oil, we have to refine it -- I've seen way too much grandstanding on energy without infrastructure, and without the infrastructure solar panels are only going to be good for hot water in the house they are on top of and oil is just unrefined gunk. :( (and I'm pro solar too).
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Whoa Buster, I was talking to you but in generalities. Most people would agree to drill but they don't want the safety concerns in THEIR backyard...I said we as an investor in an oil company. As far as I'm concerned, my "gas-saving technique" is to ride my Harley-Davidson(fourth vehicle). But I also agree with nnut, I would love my house to be plowed under to give me some of that black gold!!!!
OH:embarrest:...I assume then you were taking the devil's advocate approach...I see what you are saying..And I agree, we don't need reckless abandon and not consider all the safety practices..I'm sure with agencies we have to monitor and regulate the drilling, that safety is paramount and barring unforeseen accidents, we should be pretty safe...Remember I live in OIL country with Well-Jacks everywhere you turn, pumping away...there is even an active Well right under the State capitol building..they left the old fashioned derrek standing out on the front lawn. In our opinion, those things area site of beauty to us.....so with that being said, DRILL, DRILL, DRILL;)


Broke below $110? Why? Hedge fund collapse.

Financial Shares
The New York-based Ospraie Fund fell 26.7 percent in August after a ``substantial sell-off'' in energy, mining and resource equity investments, Anderson said in a letter to investors yesterday. Jonathan Gasthalter, a spokesman for Ospraie, declined to comment.
and Lehman's owns 20% of Ospraie Management....which failed.
Oil prices extend decline

Crude futures fall as the dollar strengthens and traders wait to see how much damage Gustav caused to facilities in the Gulf of Mexico.

By Catherine Clifford, CNNMoney.com staff writer
Last Updated: September 3, 2008: 9:24 AM EDT


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Oil prices extended their decline Wednesday as the dollar strengthened against major currencies and traders waited for Gustav damage reports.
Crude futures for October delivery were down $2.23 to $107.48 a barrel.
On Tuesday, oil prices fell $5.75 a barrel to settle $109.71, which was the lowest closing price for oil in nearly 5 months, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Oil prices have fallen sharply from the record high price of $147.27 a barrel, set July 11, as a sagging U.S. economy has cut into energy demand.
Crude oil is traded in dollars around the globe, so a stronger dollar puts downward pressure on the price of oil, said Tom Orr, director of research at Weeden & Co., a financial services firm.
"When we had an incredibly structurally weak dollar, people went to the commodity trade," said Orr, as "a hedge against inflation, as a place to park money."
But now that the dollar has started to recover, investors are looking to other, more profitable places to keep their funds, Orr said.
Because Gustav did not hit with as much force as anticipated, and the damage to oil production facilities appeared to be less than was feared, the oil market returned its focus to slumping global demand for energy.
"The market is starting to realize that demand for oil is much weaker today than it was a year ago," said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at Alaron Trading.
Because demand for oil has fallen off since last year as the economy has suffered, Flynn said the supply disruption that Gustav caused has not been as massive a concern as when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf region in 2005.
"Although we're shutting off production in the Gulf, it's not as much of an issue as in 2005 when demand was higher," said Flynn.[more]
I'm confused ! (nothing new) ! Doesn't Oil going down mean good things
for our Economy in the long term. Doesn't a stronger dollar mean good
things for our economy (at the expense of imports). Isn't Oil going down
a overall good thing to happen ? (except for those holding Energy stocks).
I'm confused ! (nothing new) ! Doesn't Oil going down mean good things
for our Economy in the long term. Doesn't a stronger dollar mean good
things for our economy (at the expense of imports). Isn't Oil going down
a overall good thing to happen ? (except for those holding Energy stocks).
Its the financials SB.....

Broke below $110? Why? Hedge fund collapse.

Financial Shares
The New York-based Ospraie Fund fell 26.7 percent in August after a ``substantial sell-off'' in energy, mining and resource equity investments, Anderson said in a letter to investors yesterday. Jonathan Gasthalter, a spokesman for Ospraie, declined to comment.
and Lehman's owns 20% of Ospraie Management....which failed.
Thanks L2R, just when Financials started to see light at the end of the
tunnel, we find out that the lower of Oil is going to kick their butts next!
We've been watching them cover losses by speculating in oil and other commodities for months...it was just a matter of time before that bomb blew up too.
Lower Oil and Gas is GOOD for the economy!! Patience!;)

Right-o on that! Come on $99.99 a barrell!!!!!:cool:

From Reuters By Robert Campbell:

A third of U.S. refining capacity has been affected in some way by Gustav, with at least 10 plants completely shut down. Early inspections have not turned up any significant damage at the shuttered facilities.
All of the 1.3 million barrels per day of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico, a quarter of U.S. domestic production, was shut, though no damage to platforms or any oil spills were noted during inspection flights conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard on Tuesday.
"If it were not for these (storm) threats, we would have been testing $100 already," said Mike Wittner, energy analyst at Societe Generale.
Come on $60 dollars a barrel!!!!!! Strong dollar will bring it down, but this won't happen immediately, patience!!:cool:
I won't be available for a couple of hours, if you need a quote go to the Home Page!
The drill-drill-drill. Was that a reference to oil, or to your tooth?
Bad Spaf
Hey Budnipper, it's Just so much fun it's killin' me!! I hate going to the freakin' DENTIST!! Think I'll get the tops jerked next year? I hate teeth, I hate gums, I hate how much it cost to take care of your teeth. Oh let's see 4 implants and we can fix you up in a jiffy, OK with everything that will be $35,000. Sure you can afford it your insurance will cover $1,200 a year!! CROOKS, KMA:nuts: brushteeth.gif
And to think the dentists only have to work with 32 teeth in an area that they don't have to cut open to even look at.....tools consist of; hammers, drills, pliers, some scrappy sharp thingys and a sucking question mark...

Sounds like my tool box....Hey Norm, I'll do it for free, just cook the ribs.;)