Hello all, Been lurking since my last post since the more I thought about what I saw as a Bear Stearns sacrifice and the restrictions on tsp trading, the more I thought I needed to fundamentally alter my outlook and approach to life. My doom and gloom personality has me waiting for death and destruction at any moment, round any corner. It also allows me to compensate in fun little ways that befuddle many that know me. So these past few months have had me trading little and spending more time away from the stock tickers, walking in the woods or other such cheap enjoyable activities, changing my diet from expensive, high caloric restaurant foods to healthier, smaller, cheaper meals prepared at home. I didn't spend much on vacationing and my most expensive vices have been my wine and beer which is probably the largest daily outflow from my wallet. As a result of my behavioral changes I managed to drop 60 pounds ( in spite of beer and wine consumption) and financially I paid off the house lin July leaving me debt free.
This past weekend got the gambler in me excited so I shifted some tsp monies to equities, but I am moving too early. I was hoping for more of a Monday selloff which would lead Tuesday to another FED manipulation with liquidity injections and changes in regulation, accompanied by SEC change in regulations on shorting. But that isn't looking the case so I'm not sure what I'll do. Don't forget triple witching Friday and I expect a little bounce tied to short squeezing before then. But if I was early and don't catch it, I'll take lumps and look for a turnaround Tuesday in October following another bloody Monday.
For those of you taking losses and fretting yourself sick that aren't retired--- stop worrying! I find money to be one of the least of my priorities since I retired since so may enjoyabel things are still relatively cheap. Don't forget that taxes are going to be eating a great portion of your retirement income through payment of deferred taxes on your account and the accompanying 85% taxes on Social Security because you'll have too much taxable income.