OBGibby's Account Talk

I play a few times a year when the jackpot is large. Usually I stick to the basics with my money: whiskey, fast cars and fast women. Anything left over, I waste...

I'm with you OB, it's just not worth my dollar unless the jackpot is over $300 million. I don't know who people would live on anything less :D

Thiel Says Market Returns May Sour Young Investors on Stocks

Poor market returns over the past decade may sour younger clients on equities, said Bank of America Corp. (BAC)’s John Thiel.

“We’re at risk of losing an entire generation as investors,” said Thiel, who heads U.S. wealth management and the private banking and investment group at Bank of America’sMerrill Lynch unit. “They’ve been through 10 years of not-so-sterling results.”

Thiel Says Market Returns May Sour Young Investors on Stocks - Bloomberg

Here Comes The Bear Market In Bonds - Amy Feldman, Fortune

".....Over the next three to five years, I expect rates to move up significantly [which means bond prices will drop].....We expect the overhang in housing to be cleaned up by 2015. At that point the Fed will realize that inflation is becoming a problem and will begin to raise rates, and that'll be the beginning of the generational bear market....."

"The thing I hate most about taxes is that the more money they
take, the more government we get. It's the worst possible trade off imaginable."
--humorist Frank J. Fleming

Sell In May? 9 Trillion Reasons to Say NO! - David Kotok, Cumberland Adv.

".....Under these circumstances, we believe ‘sell in May and go away’ will prove incorrect this time. With worldwide monetary policy so stimulative, stock prices have an upward bias. We believe that they will continue to have an upward bias as long as this policy continues to be expansive. We expect that to be the case for many more months and perhaps several more years....."

The Cost of Bad Buy/Sell Decisions (Visual News)

"Despite popular Hollywood portrayals of how investing works — a smart suit and someone with the last name Sheen or Douglas usually does the trick — research shows that most of us still try to time the market, typically resulting in buying high and selling low. No one likes being told they’re wrong or that they don’t have a grasp on the situation, but this graphic could be helpful in examining why many of our buy/sell decisions are wrong....."
