NSurf9 Account Talk

Yes, timing was just after they tied our shoe-strings together and just before the 5-lane, 2008 Recession financial rush-hour. How might TSP Talk, best place this issue on its site?

The November meeting minutes talk about security lending and how it covers operating costs. I found it interesting.

Some of you on the boards know of me, some don't. At one point in time, just before the May 1, 2008 TSP Board imposed its 2 per month IFT limit, I used to do pretty good with my TSP investment. The May 1, 2008 TSP IFT rule changed that. Further, I have noticed several other TSPTalk members that I have observed over the years that proved to me to be very good at protecting and enhancing their TSP retirement have also had a particularily difficult time with the May 1, 2008 IFT limit rule and the recent "fall-off a cliff" and now "bucking bronco" market.

I still believe and still would like to persue a fair change of the current IFT limits. But, until then . . .

I just withdrew, via TSP loan, approximately 45% of my TSP holdings. I would have taken it all out, if they'd let me. Yes, I'll make month repayments; yes, I'll pay taxes on profits; and yes, I'll pay stock trading fees. Right now, I believe it will be well worth the price.

FREEDOM AT LAST!!!! - No 12-noon IFT deadlines, no 2-IFT limits - and as many $5 trades I can get my hands on.

Personally, I'm at approximately 80% for the year on non-TSP investments. Now, I can be unrestrictively proactive with at least some of my hard earned TSP money!


Anyone want to start a non-TSP trading site?

Let the revolution begin.
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Personally, I'm at approximately 80% for the year on non-TSP investments. Now, I can be unrestrictively proactive with the rest of my own hard earned money!


Anyone want to start a non-TSP trading site?

Let the revolution begin.

WOW! 80% is awesome nsurf.

I'm one of those that can't seem to adjust to the new limits.:(
At one point in time, just before the May 1, 2008 TSP Board imposed its 2 per month IFT limit, I used to do pretty good with my TSP investment.

Amazing...1.8 mil TSP members and the Bored got all out of joint over a tiny %...4000 operating within the regs to trade - so they change the law.

Enjoy your FREEDOM :D - but I have to stick here for now.
It's always best to have several accounts. I have two and the wife has one - so as a unit we are diversified and have flexibility. Therefore, I've never had a problem with IFT limitations - I maintain a longer term projection. But in a few months things are going to change.
It's always best to have several accounts. I have two and the wife has one - so as a unit we are diversified and have flexibility. Therefore, I've never had a problem with IFT limitations - I maintain a longer term projection. But in a few months things are going to change.

Does your wife have her own TSP acct, Birch? If so do you log in & make changes in her account?
Amazing...1.8 mil TSP members and the Bored got all out of joint over a tiny %...4000 operating within the regs to trade - so they change the law.
I think it is closer to 4 million, and they still haven't proven that creating the limits has reduced costs, yet TSP officials called us "insidious". They may owe us an apology. :rolleyes:

My wife has a State of Florida FRS account which is very similar to TSP. It is her retirement account and all the money belongs to her which is different than an annuity. Her employer makes a monthly constrbution on a DCA basis. There is more flexibility to trade than what TSP offers and I do manage the account. Currently making $25K per point.
I think it is closer to 4 million, and they still haven't proven that creating the limits has reduced costs, yet TSP officials called us "insidious". They may owe us an apology. :rolleyes:

Have you seen what the budget is for the FRTIB and how much they are requesting as an increase for 2010. They complained about 1% of the membership causing a problem doing what we where legally allowed to do. Now they ask for an increase of at least $15M for 2010.
Here is the link to the September meeting minutes; http://www.frtib.gov/pdf/minutes/2009Sep.pdf
Though I stick my head up out and say hello. Looks like we're just over the crest in a downward trend. Lots of volitity. US economy is showing green, but its because of government kick-start stimulus. Now, can it sustain itself on its own. Problem is euro is falling a part because of its weaker members - european countries are not normally good at sticking together and a big problem is their lack of coordinated central gov to fully support the euro. Add to the problem, volcanic ash, Iran, N/S Korea. Just like us, EU just pulled out the 1 trillion dollar/euro life ring. That should be good for some pop, but be careful dangling you legs in the water for more than a quick in-and-out. Something hungrier than a bear lies in wait.
Tom, thanks, I still read your delightfully distilled comments on the markets and technicals almost every day. Taking a moment to say great job - also, to lots of other very astute TSP Talk members. I'm continue to do much better with my new legs outside the TSP straight-jacket IFT rules, but I always start the morning with a fresh fundamentals understanding of the market, as a whole, that I learned trading TSP funds and here at TSP Talk.

I would love to see ETrade, AmeriTrade, etc. sponser a free to the TSP fund, window through which TSP members could make regular low cost trades in a deferred tax type investment fund. You still couldn't move your money out, but an active person could show everybody just how good being proactive and moving at will, instead of straight-jacketted, can increase one's retirement account - no one would be left in the regular TSP fund.

The market is still a nasty bull that wants to kick traders off the uptrends; then, suck them in, in the down drafts. Short quick in/outs can been good, waiting for the pit holes, but you can only get one round-trip in TSP.
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Been awhile. Nice to see out and posting again. Now if we could get luv2read posting again it would be like old times. Before the IFT limits.
Thanks, NASA - Yes its been a while. Good to see familiary TSP friends! It ashame to see such remarkable talent here at TSPTalk be forced into digging with a 2-IFT spoon. I still not done with the TSP Board.