nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Good morning Chart Experts, does anyone think we might be on the upswing headed to the top of the center of a "W" pattern? :confused: See below:
View attachment 1859

Right now the DOW is at it's 50 MA. When will it turn around?:confused:
View attachment 1860
I'm of the opinion that we might start back down tomorrow or monday.
Yes Fab I think it will probably happen that way, but when?

Well guess we have to figure it out for
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Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

From past experiance a bounce after FED SPEAK is usually short lived. There are other factors now that are driving it forward, but I'm going to play it safe, to the "G" with me. The charts are lookin' like it might be time for a center drop in the "W" pattern, if we are in a "W" pattern?:cool:
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Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

From past experiance a bounce after FED SPEAK is usually short lived. There are other factors now that are driving it forward, but I'm going to play it safe, to the "G" with me. The charts are lookin' like it might be time for a center drop in the "W" pattern, if we are in a "W" pattern?:cool:
good to be safe sometimes, i am on the lilly with YA:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

The Day Traders are at it again!!!!! "S" below 2%. HEY, I'm a Day Trader today!:suspicious: NO wait, I'm a PROFIT TAKER!
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Man- look at the volotility rachetinz up within the last hour. People need to settle down already. GMAB:mad:

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

It's FREAKIN' sell programs!! I hate this!!:mad:
Make me a double!:(
In similar fashion to the institutional influx that just 60 minutes ago helped propel stocks to their best levels of the day, another round of program trades (this time on the sell side) have resulted in a mass exodus among equity traders.
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Just go drop a line in the water. Everything will be ok at 4PM.:worried:

ATC... Thought I was finally going to recoop some of some of the losses from last month.
Well, it looks like I'll still get a little, but not nearly as much as it would have been at 2:30.
Still have 23 more days till FERS retirement! Then I can drop a line in the water, or have a Crown & coke...or maybe both!!! :toung:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Nnuut... About 2:30 I was a happy camper, but now watching my profits dwindle, I'm getting the blues again. Crown & coke, Please! :mad:

Are you now a crappy hamper?..:cheesy:...

When you get down and need a drink, just say to yourself...it's better to have a bottle in front of me then a frontal labotomy.
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Still have 23 more days till FERS retirement! Then I can drop a line in the water, or have a Crown & coke...or maybe both!!! :toung:


Sorry, I haven't seen it work out like that!

I wanted to go fishing but the Corp of Engineers is holding too much water in the lakes. Can't even find the boat ramps........:suspicious:

So my wife goes into town, but she tells me I need to cut the grass!
I hate grass!

The retired ex-marine up the street see's me, and comes down with a cooler of Bud-Light.

Later on the retired boader patrolman see's me and comes down with a cold bottle of white zinfandel.

Next, the retired oil man comes down with a cold bottle of mixed martini's.

I having a hard time finding the lawn mower!

Last this retired USAF guy shows up with a bucket of frozen margaritas.

Finally, my wife drives up. She ask why didn't I cut the grass. I said I am cutting the grass. Then she says, your at the wrong house!........:cheesy:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Yes CC that's the trick, when to get back in? Depends on what happens today and tomorrow. Today started really low but the "C" and "S" are slowly rising from that sink hole and no telling how high they will go. If we end up losing today I think they will retrace down to about the lows of the first drop then rebound up to the top of the charts. If not some sideways movement until they can make up their minds. Don't forget the PPI and CPI next week! Just have to wait and seeeeeeeeeeee.:cool:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Spaf, sounds like an ideal retirement to me!!:D Oh, about the grass, have you ever heard about a product named Roundup?:laugh:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk


Sorry, I haven't seen it work out like that!

Finally, my wife drives up. She ask why didn't I cut the grass. I said I am cutting the grass. Then she says, your at the wrong house!........:cheesy:

Sounds like a rough day! Oh well, tomorrow is another day that you DON'T have to get up and go to work..... I think I can handle it! :toung: