nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Went 40% "C", 60% "S" COB today. Dow closed over 14000 hope this isn't the top. Not much in the way of economic Market Movers, Options Expiration Week though, sometimes that helps the market. Don't forget about Oil and Gas, sometimes they just disregard the price of energy until there isn't anything else then BAM! I think anything over $78 a barrel will drag the market down a bit. We are getting very close to last years high $75.93 a barrel today. Just gotta wait and "C"eeeeeeee!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Went 40% "C", 60% "S" COB today. Dow closed over 14000 hope this isn't the top. Not much in the way of economic Market Movers, Options Expiration Week though, sometimes that helps the market. Don't forget about Oil and Gas, sometimes they just disregard the price of energy until there isn't anything else then BAM! I think anything over $78 a barrel will drag the market down a bit. We are getting very close to last years high $75.93 a barrel today. Just gotta wait and "C"eeeeeeee!:D

I allocate $100 a week for gas. That means once regular passes $3.33 a gallon, I'm moving in with you...............:blink:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Come on down, join the crew. My kids keep moving out, then they lose a job and move back in with us so we can but their gas. To look for a job of course.:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Yes we might get our feelings hurt today, again. No IFT today, think BOUNCE! The "F" is peaking up today and will probably compensate Monday. I hate to get whipsawed again. Lemming's Syndrome!:worried: Still 40% "C", 60% "S":o
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

well i keep forgetting that saying set right set tight a guess a learning curve i need to figure out:o G L
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

what a day radiater went out on truck , drive red camaro to work oil line broke oil everywhere 3 hrs late what else can go wrong:nuts:oh lost more than a penny today :)smile keep on trucking i think tonight will be a good crown n coke , my neighbors grapes are looking good maybe i will squish some let em set for a few weeks and drink up one for Nnuut
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

They help me, anytime neighbor!!:D Looking a little better, comon up baby, come to Daddy "C" and "S"!!:laugh:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Monday, Monday, What surprises are in store for us tomorrow? I get the feeling that, that ---- no don't want to jinks the Market!! Just have to wait and seeeeeeeeee!View attachment 1780
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Still 40% "C", 60% "S". Don't know what the dollar will do, trend looks up. Staying where I am, lots of earnings due tomorrow!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Guess I'll just hang in there too long again.:mad: The Snake fund is killin' me!!
Still 40% "C", 60% "S"
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

I'm there with you. This market of late is a real heart burner. Past the TUMS please. Today and Wednesday
75% I
25% G

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

You can say that again!! I hope tomorrow is a different story for the USMs, if not we will be below the 50 day moving average and that is not a good sign.:(
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

"C" over -1.5%, "S" over -2% OUCH DAMIT!! I give up, please don''t twist my arm any farther, ooowweeeee!:eek::blink::worried:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

"C" over -1.5%, "S" over -2% OUCH DAMIT!! I give up, please don''t twist my arm any farther, ooowweeeee!:blink::worried:
i think they twisted an arm and a leg :blink::eek: now how much pain can we take today G L we need it