nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

will the red wine work as a Sssnake venim healer:blink:

Needs to be a higher end red wine with today's actions, and I recommend that the entire bottle be consumed....

Just might tame that Snake fund, have to try it, again?
You can get just as WELL on cheap (reasonabily Priced) wine as you can on the pricy stuff. Who said that? I said that!!:D I really like blue teeth!!:laugh:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

that tells you what i know i thought the box was the cheap stiff(stuff) she likes them fancy ones with corks in em
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

The cheap bottled stuff is better than the BOXED stuff. Real men don't drink White Wine!!:nuts:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

ok i will break down let her pick and find a cork screw i thought they had red in a box i guess i need to get out of the purple crown sack a little more often, keeps calling my name crown-N- rocks:laugh: i hope next week we get back into making money looks like i will be way down looking up AGAIN:blink::D the hard way GL Nnuut have one for me
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

I've always liked the more expensive wines...Thunderbird and Manicevitz to name but two...but corks are just wrong...:D

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

To IFT or not to IFT, THAT IS THE QUESTION? :confused: Got my money back from last weeks big loss, don't want to lose it back Ya know. I would have to see some really good indicaters to make the jump! Just have to wait and see?:cool:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk


My TSP Account feels like your new avitar! A little beat up but still happy. :blink:

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

You Ok?
Looks like U were in a accident!........:blink:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Not really, I've been out of work with a blocked saliva gland duct. Never heard of this before, but it's a bitch. If you like a lemon sized knot below your ear, get this you'll love it. Went down a little (good drugs) but still hurts and looks like hell!:sick:
Korea Firing missiles again! Long weekend, Think I'll stay with the "G"! PLUCK< PLUCK!!!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Does anyone think there might be a little profit taking this afternoon?:confused:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Having a BBQ going away, pool party tomorrow. My daughter married a USAF guy from Las Vegas. They leave Sunday and are taking MY Grandaughter with them!! What nerve taking my favoriate Grand Child to Vegas!:mad: Her name is Ashley Nnuut and she is a blast.:D
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Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

She's addorable! Better watch that girl, in a few years the boys are gonna be swarming the house, if there not already.
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk


We need to talk about a book I'm putting together! It's called "1,001 Ways to Spoil Grandkids"! I could use some good co-authoring. It starts out with the Ten Comandments!

Ten Commandments for Spoiling Your Grandkids

1. Thou shalt shower them with hugs and kisses.

2. Thou shalt give cookies in abundance.

3. Thou shalt not forget to kiss all boo-boos.

4. Thou shalt stay in touch without fail -- in person, by phone or by mail.

5. Thou shalt share memories and special stories.

6. Thou shalt always keep the candy dish out.

7. Thou shalt reward good grades and sports victories.

8. Thou shalt let them stay up past their bedtime.

9. Thou shalt be generous with praise and compliments.

10. Thou shalt tell them -- every chance you get -- that you love them.

(Author Unknown)

Maybe tsptalk has a spare thread we could use? I got 3 coming in next week 8 - 3 and 2, all girls. Got any good tips?.......:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Oh My Goodness! I luv girls. Had two myself, and have an 11 hr old GD.

Any tips on entertaining yours? Depends on whether they are real girly girls, or are they tomboys.

I was a tomboy and at my grandparents house (yes, I was a girl) I liked to climb the trees, swing in the tire, check out all the barns, go for walks in the woods, ride on the tractor with my Grandpa, he lived to 102)

I also liked girl stuff, and absolutely LOVED making mud pies out in the yard with an old tin tea set (that would be worth a mint today). And I loved playing with Barbie Dolls.

Girls love Barbie Dolls, and lots of clothes to dress them. Both my girls loved them also, and my grandaughter. Go to walmart and buy some Barbie Dolls and outfits. Barbie Dolls will keep them busy for hours on end.

Also have lots of coloring books and crayons on hand.

Girls that age also love to play dress up, old jewelry, old dresses, high heels, a little makeup.

Have fun!