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69 Camero, I like it! I'm about in the exact center of Georgia just notify me a day ahead so I can smoke that BUTT, come on down food and drinks on me!! Tiki Bar is still open>>>>>>>>Hello Norm, hey I found a 69 Camaro ,somewhere in Georgia just rusting away, the owner passed , and there is allot of term oil on his property , I hope by about spring break they have it sorted out , I told them , I would be more than happy to drive down there to buy the car , ,one of them have a bunch of stuff in storage here in Oklahoma , I said I would load it in my car hal
ler ,and bring it up there , if they give me a chance to get the car , fingers crossed p.s. if its close to your woods , get one of them pork butts ready lol J K but it would be great to get another headache, I mean Camaro , give me something to fix up for my grand daughter , keep me going , and out of trouble

Been working on my 04 4runner and it's whippin' my butt, no start, no crank, headlights don't work. Battery is good cleaned contacts + and -! Thought it was a relay and ordered it , took 5 days to get here and that wasn't the problem. These computerized cars are LOCO! Guess I'll have to let the $100 an hour guys do it?